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Paul pulls away, sensing something is wrong. He follows Richard's gaze to the doorway. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing." The younger man keeps his gaze at the beast that chose to reveal itself to him and him only. "It's nothing." He then kisses Paul's forehead and smiles. "I think we're running low on milk. Would you go get some? I would, but I'm really wanting to take a shower."

"Sure." The older man smiles softly at him and leaves the bathroom.

Richard closes the door and locks it, but doesn't strip down. Instead, he watches the beast walk through the door and manifest from a vapor into it's full form. "You grow brave, little one."

"What do you want?" The guitarist demands, ignoring the statement. "No, better yet, where did you come from?"

"I came from Hell, Richard." It exhales through it's nose, smoke billowing out as if it were a dragon.

"What are doing in this house?"

"You're too curious for a mortal." It snorts, as if to laugh. It's grin grows wider as it steps forward to the guitarist.

Richard remains standing where he is, ignoring the smell of the putrid rotten flesh on its breath. "It's in our nature to be curious. Now answer me."

"I thought I had already explained all of this to you."

"You have, but I'm still confused. Why us? Why not our neighbors?"

The presence pulls away from Richard and a gas cloud erupts around it. When it settles, Paul is standing in front of him. He smiles, but it's not Paul's smile. It's the canine teeth of the demon. It steps forward, the older man's scent filling Richard's nose. The beast wraps its arms around his neck and smiles sweetly. "Because you're easy to manipulate." It answers in Paul's voice. It leans in and kisses Richard's neck, licking it and biting at it playfully.

This causes a moan to erupt from Richard's throat. "Paul..." He then manages to gather his senses and pushes the beast away. "Stop it!"

"Awe, but you seemed to be enjoying it." It smirks at him and runs its hand down his chest, looping a finger in the top of his boxers.

"Stop it, okay? Leave us alone!"

The cloud surrounds the demon again and it's back into its original form. It grips Richard's arms and pins him against the wall. He closes his eyes, trying to hold back the fear rising inside him. "Listen here you little bastard. You will never get rid of me. I own this house. And now that you and your girlfriend are here, I own you as well. I'll play with you all I want because you're mine now." It squeezes tight onto Richard's arms before disappearing. The guitarist falls to the floor and looks around, shocked and scared. Purely terrorized.

He stands up and makes his way out of the bathroom, just to see Paul entering with several bags of groceries. "We were out of bread and a few other things, too." He says as he sets them down on the kitchen table. The younger man doesn't say anything as he just pushes past his lover. "Risch?" Paul gasps loudly as he looks at his arms. "What happened!?" The man remains silent as he begins to slowly ascend the stairs. "Richard. Answer me." His voice is full of concern and worry. He places a hand gingerly on the bruises as he follows his lover up the stairs.

Not expecting so much pain from the slightest touch, Richard pulls away and loses his footing, causing him to fall down the hard wooden stairs. He reaches out for anything to grab onto, but it seems nothing is around. He lands on his face and tries to push up to stand, but lets out a cry of pain and falls back down, lying there, whimpering for relief. "Paul... Why would you do this to me?" His voice comes out weak as he turns his head so they can look at each other. A tear manages to escape and slides down his cheek.

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