chapter seventeen

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also check out my other books, you don't have to read the lashton ones, I recommend ruke more and if you do, start with invisible I swear it's worth the read


Luke sat on the end of his bed, the tripod holding the camera up, pointing right at Luke. Michael stood behind the camera, "okay, just press this button here when you're ready." Michael said with a smile, "then we'll post it on Twitter."

Luke nodded, "thank you, Mike."

Michael nodded, before he left the room, giving Luke time alone.

Luke sighed, looking down at his hands and then to his ripped up song book that was on his bed. He really regretted burning those pages, it had some great songs—thankfully he remembered most of it, catch fire was a good song.

Luke stood up, going to the camera and pressing record before he sat down again. He looked at the camera and pursed his lips. "I guess I owe people an explanation why I dropped off the face of the earth, mid tour." He started.

Luke tapped his knee, "I had to leave, I was sad." He said, "it was a struggle to get through each day, I only stayed this long for the fans. Everything was a shit storm."

"Im depressed and sad and I wanted to move away and be happy and be with someone. Be myself." Luke said, looking down at his journal, smiling a little at Michaels name in bubble writing on the cover.

"I'm gay." Luke said, looking back at the camera and the blinking red light, "I'm gay, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with this boy who's helped me in my new town. Any girls that were assumed to be my girlfriend were fake, management wanted me to pretend to date them so no one would know I was gay."

"I didn't want to live in that anymore. In a fake world where my band brought back sometimes underage girls to have fun and get high. I didn't want to be forced to have sex with someone again, it's my life and I had no control over it."

"I had to lose weight or work out or be straight or be a man whore. And that's not me. I'm just a normal guy who wants to be happy again." Luke sighed, "I want kids with a husband and a cute house and some pets and I want the white picket fence."

"My names not even Ryder." Luke said, "you might say it was a stage name but it's not just a stage name, no one knew my real name, my management and band and crew all called me Ryder and not my real name. I'm not going to tell you what my name is because I don't wanna be found. I want to be left in peace."

"I have a few songs that I one day wanna share with you." Luke then said, "my songs were never really written by me, they were just handed to me and I had to sing. Waste The Night and Vapor were mine, they were all me." He said and picked up his journal, "this book contains all my lyrics and stupid poems and doodles and my thoughts and feelings. This will be shown through the songs that I one day post. I don't know how or when but if they do get out there, it's simply to show you what the real me is."

"I really hope you understand why I left." Luke said, rubbing his fingertips over the journal. "I hope you get that I wanna be happy with my life and I want to be left alone. If you notice me or see me, don't tweet about it or ask for photos, just say hi and pretend I'm a normal guy. It's all I'm asking for."

"I guess this is goodbye." Luke said, smiling. "Goodbye to Ryder Adams."

Luke stood up, leaning down so his face was by the lens, "thank you for all the support over the years." He said, his finger hovering over the record button. "I love you all a lot." He kissed the camera before turning it off.

Luke sighed before grinning, that was it.

He picked up the camera, taking it and the tripod downstairs to Michael who sat in the living room, eating skittles. "Done?" Michael asked, sitting up.

Luke nodded, "I think I said everything I needed to." He sat down, holding the tripod up.

Michael took the camera off the tripod, folding it up, before he took the memory card from the camera. "I'll render it, I won't edit it, I'll just put it on to your Twitter and that'll be it."

"Make sure the location is off." Luke said, "no one can know where I am."

Michael nodded, letting Luke cuddle in to his chest as he rendered the video. Then he logged in to Luke's Twitter, where people begged him to come back, said that they'll be better if he came back. Luke had over sixty million followers on Twitter, and the last time he had touched the app was before he had collapsed.

Michael uploaded the video and he grabbed Luke's hand, "you press post." He said.

Luke smiled, pressing the mouse down and leaning back in to Michael as it posted, people instantly retweeting and liking it, tweeting back.

And it was only minutes before #TheRealRyderAdams was trending number one world wide.

Luke then looked up at Michael, pressing a kiss to his cheek, and when the dyed boy looked at the blond, he kissed him on the mouth, "thank you." Luke whispered.

"Anything Luke."


Mhm, Luke said his final goodbye to Ryder


Luke's video?

Revealing everything?

Michael helping him out?


The Lucky One ⇝ MukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora