chapter twenty six

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Guys keep commenting lol

Dedicated to my friend Katelyn who's lit mgc_LukesKindaHotTho


Luke was grocery shopping in town, by himself, he had wanted to go alone for his food shopping, leaving Michael to do what he wanted to—which was play video games while procrastinating the school work he had to do for his course.

Luke had a list in his hand, glancing between the piece of paper and the shelves he'd walk past before his mind slipped and his trolley smashed into someone else's making him look up in surprise. "Oh crap sorry," Luke said, censoring his swears as he saw a man carrying a small girl. "I wasn't looking, sorry."

The guy smiled, "it's fine." He said, shifting the child in his arms. "Okay kid you're gonna have to go down now you're getting too heavy." The kid groaned and whined making Luke smile softly, god he wanted a kid so bad.

The guy noticed Luke's staring, "you have kids?" He asked, Luke, looking up from the cute girl.

"Oh no, but I want some, my boyfriend and I both do one day."

"So you're half of the other gay couple in this town." The guy grinned, making Luke laugh softly. "I'm Reece, it's weird seeing another openly gay couple in a small place like this."

"Yeah, I noticed that." Luke laughed, "I'm Luke."

"Nice to meet you, Luke, I've never seen you around before, are you new to town?"

"I've been here a few months now but yeah kinda, still getting my boundaries though." Luke checked his list, "I don't know where the cereal is, can you help me?"

Reece smiled, "sure thing."

Reece helped Luke with his shopping, and by the end of the shopping trip Luke had been invited round for dinner, being told to bring Michael along. Luke had made a friend, an actual friend. Luke went back to his home with the shopping, Michael looking up when he saw Luke come in through the front door. "Survive without me?" Michael teased.

"I did" Luke said, "some guy helped me, but I got through it."

"Who's the guy?" Michael questioned.

Luke glanced at Michael, sensing something in his voice. "His names Reece, he helped me out and he ended up inviting me and you round for dinner. He's got a husband and two kids." Luke said, assuring Michael.

"Dinner?" Michael questioned, standing up. He followed Luke to the kitchen and watched as the blond started unpacking the food. "you just met him and now we're invited to his house? He could be a serial killer Luke."

Luke rolled his eyes, "he's nice Mike, just give it a chance yeah? I want to make friends in this town, and he reached out."

Michael crossed his arms, "before we go for dinner I want to see his face."


Michael pursed his lips, "because I do."

"Michael are you jealous? He's got a husband and kids!" Luke scoffed, opening the freezer and putting some food in it. "Firstly, I wouldn't bloody leave you, secondly, you're prettier than him," Luke said, standing up. He went towards Michael and wrapped his arms around him, "plus I love you."

Michael softened up then, "sorry, you're just the only guy who's paid any attention to me and if you left me I'd be distraught. Especially since you live next door, I'd end up hearing you having sex every night."

Luke laughed, "trust me when I say this, but I wouldn't wanna have sex with anyone else but you." He leant down and kissed Michael softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," Michael said softly, leaning up for another kiss.

Luke smiled, "now cmon what do you want for dinner?"

"Actually my mum invited us round, so you don't have to cook." Michael smiled.

"Great, I didn't feel like it anyway. I was gonna suggest pizza." Luke chuckled. Later the two went round to Michael's parents for dinner, Luke brought some wine which they drank as everyone sat outside after dinner. Luke was seated on the rocking chair with Michael next to him, his arm around the younger men's shoulders. Michaels parents were sat on the wicker sofa, the four of them talking and laughing together.

"Michael was a weird child," Karen said making Luke smile. "He would sit in his room for hours listening to music."

"You realise I wasn't right? That I'd sneak out and go see my friends." Michael laughed.

"Seriously?" Luke asked, making him laugh a little. "What a rebel, I never went outside and I never went to parties or anything. All I did was sit at home and play my guitar."

"Well look where that got you." Michael pointed out, making Luke's smile falter.

"Yeah..." he trailed off.

Michael glanced up at Luke, "sorry I shouldn't have said that."

Luke shrugged, "it's fine."

Michael sighed, sitting up, "no no I'm sorry, that was stupid of me."

Luke huffed, "Michael stop it."

Karen and Daryl watched as Michael and Luke bickered until Michael stood up and left. Luke leant back in his seat and sighed, "Jesus Christ. What's been up with him lately?"

Karen furrowed her eyebrows, "he's been a bit off lately hasn't he?"

"He got mad and jealous that I'd made a friend at the grocery store, he's been so on edge," Luke said, downing the rest of his wine. He stood up, "uh thank you for dinner tonight, it was lovely, I'm gonna check on Michael and go home." Luke went back inside the house, seeing Michael in the kitchen drinking some milk. "What's up with you?" Luke asked.

Michael shrugged, "nothing I'm fine, just shouldn't have said what I said."

Luke walked around the counter to Michael and held his waist, "and I already said it's fine, it slipped out."

Michael frowned, "and I'm sorry I got jealous about this Reece guy you met at shopping today. We can go for dinner if you still want to."

Luke smiled, leaning forward and kissing Michael, "thank you, I love you."

Michael grinned, his cheeks pink as he reached his hands up to Luke's neck, "I love you too."

Luke ran his hands under Michaels shirt, feeling his lower back, "wanna come home with me? Or are you staying here?"

Michael whined, "yours, I wanna get on my knees for you."

Luke smirked, kissing Michael again, "good boy." He said, taking Michaels hand and pulling away. "Come on home then." He pulled them towards the front door, "I think we should start moving your stuff into my place soon."

Michael giggled, "we can start tomorrow, I have no school or work."

They got outside, going around to Luke's front door, Michael pressing him against it and kissing him roughly. Luke kissed back pushing his front door open and the both of them falling backwards into the house and giggling as they stumbled. Michael tugged off Luke's plaid shirt, "fuck I love you."

Luke lifted Michael by his thighs, placing him on the stairs as he kicked the front door shut. He kissed Michaels neck as he unbuttoned Michaels jeans, "I love you so much."


A lil steamy

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