chapter three

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I woke up on the couch with a blanket draped over me. I sit up and see Abby and Patty are asleep on the floor. I decided to let them sleep and go make coffee. On the counter, there is a note from Holtzmann. 

Went to go get us breakfast! Be home in a jiffy!


After the coffee was made, I poured  four cups and sat them at the table. Last night was so weird. Holtzmann broke down, then freak out about the car, we watched a movie and she cuddled me and then when she thought I was asleep, she kissed me on the cheek. I subconsciously touch my cheek where she kissed me and smile. She's so cute. I really want to tell her that I like her, but nobody knows that I'm Bi and I don't feel like telling people now. I sigh and sit down at the table. 

"I'M HOME!" Holtzmann yells as she sets bags of food on the table. 

"Ahh! Who's yelling?" Abby says as she sits up. 

"I am trying to sleep." Patty mutters as she wakes up. 

"My bad! Well since we are up, let's play some music!" Holtz runs over the speakers, plugs in the iPod, and plays 'Love Shack'. She starts dancing around and I can't help but laugh. 

"that's the Holtzmann I miss!" I say as I start dancing with her. 


I got zero sleep last night. I spent the whole night walking around the city. I thought a lot about my emotions and I figured out my body is making me have these flashbacks and nightmares because it's trying to tell me to not get close with Erin. I need to distance myself from her so I don't fall for her more than I already have.  

After breakfast, Erin and I clean up while Abby and Patty argue with Kevin about the phone in the fish tank, which Kevin decided to bring with him when we moved.

"Hey Holtz?" Erin asks as she dries off a plate. 

"Yesssssssss?" I reply. 

"Can we talk about what's going on with you?" 

"What ever do you mean?" I ask 

"You know!" She says

"No I do not my dear erin! Now can you please dry this mug?" I ask as I hand her a mug with our logo on it. She takes it from me and starts to dry it. 

"Yes you do! Your dream yelling? Your freakout yesterday? How you kissed me on the cheek!" she whispered. My eyes opened wider and I started to blush. 

"No I did no such thing." Erin set down the mug and dragged me upstairs to Kevin's room on the third floor which he insisted we give him. She lead me to his bed, sat down and patted the seat next to her. 

"Explain. I want to know what's up with you."

"There is nothing wrong daddios! I've been tired that's all! No biggie." 

"Holtzy I know you're lying to me!" I melted inside when she called me that. 

"Erin! Honey! Would I lie to you!" I say with an emphasis on the I. 

"Yes. I think you are! Abby said you have a tendency to yell in your sleep." 

"Dammit Abby!" i said under my breath. Erin Grabbed my hands and held them. She looks me in the eyes and says, 

"You can trust me." I take a deep breath. 



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