Chapter thirteen

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I am so sorry I haven't updated recently. I've been so behind on everything. 


It had been a week since Holtzmann and I went our date. I'm still confused if she's my girlfriend or if we are just two gals being pals. Sure we make out all the time and cuddle and watch movies together and eat dinner together and sleep in the same bed, but there is no way to know if she thinks of me as her girlfriend. 

"Babe! I'm back!" My thoughts are interrupted by the woman I was just thinking about walking through the headquarter's doors. 

"Hey Hotman." Kevin says while writing something down on a piece of paper. 

"Kevin. Seriously. You've known me for how long and you still can't say my name right?"

"Is it not Hotman?"

"Oh Kev. No. It's Holtzmann. Holtz- mann" 

"Ok Holesmen." 

"Close enough. Hey Erin look what I bought at the thrift store!" Holtzmann reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of overalls. 

"Another pair? You just bought some four days ago!"

"Yeah, but I maybe burned a giant hole in the crotch area...." 

"Oh my god Holtzmann. You own ten pair of overalls and they all have holes or some weird stain on them."


"Nothing." I giggled at her response. "Can we talk upstairs for a second."

"oh? You wanna.... talk?" Holtzmann said winking. 

"Yes. I want to talk. Actually talk though."

"Mkay sure, but whatever we did last time you waned to talk is fine by me if you wanna do it again."

"Can we just go upstairs?"


"So. What do you wanna talk about?" Holtzmann said sitting on the couch. 

"This past week has been great. I love spending time with you, but-"

"You're just too sexy for me? I get it Erin. I myself have thought 'wow this girl is way out of my league."

"Thanks, but no. I wanna know, what are we?"

"Humans. Did you bump your head and forget who you are because I have done that many many times." 

"Holtzmann! I mean what is our relationship? Are we a thing? Are we friends who makeout and go on dates?" 

"I don't know."

"oh. Well, I'm gonna go to the store and get some groceries. I'll see you later."


Was she mad at me for not knowing what we are? I mean, she doesn't know either so why would she be mad at me? I want her to be my girlfriend, but I'm not good with feelings and last time I asked a girl out, she rejected me. 

"PATTTTTTYYYYY?" I yell down the stairs. 

"WHAT?" She yells back.




"What do you need?" Patty asks as she runs up the stairs. 

"I need to ask Erin to be my girlfriend, but I don't know how to do it because I suck at feelings and I want it to be special." 

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