chapter 8

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I decided to walk back to work instead of taking a cab. I can't believe that I told Erin that I have a crush on her. I know I say some stupid things when drunk, but this was a different kind of stupid. 

I continue to walk down the busy streets of New York, trying to get my thoughts away from Erin. Maybe I should just tell her. Maybe it would resolve everything. I mean, I know she doesn't like me back, but she deserves to know. I don't know what to do. I need advice. 

"Jillian!" Rebecca, my old mentor says as she opens her office door. "I wasn't expecting you." 

"I know. I need advice." 

"Come in! What's the matter?" 

"It's a girl."

"Ah? This wouldn't happen to be that Erin Gilbert would it?"

"That it is. I like her a lot and last night I got drunk and maybe sorta told her. This morning when I woke up, she confronted me about it and I said I didn't remember and then I left."

"Left where?"

"Her apartment."

"You were at her apartment?"

"Yeah. She didn't want to leave my at the headquarters drunk and alone."

"I see. She obviously cares a great deal about you. I would tell her."

"What if she doesn't like me back?"

"Then you have to move on."

"What if she does like me? I don't know if I can be in a relationship after what happened last time."

"Does she know about Veronica?"


"So she is well aware of your fears."

"I guess."

"You should tell her. Doesn't have to be today, but soon."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go to work now. Bye" I said as I shook her and hand. I exited her office and started walking to work.                                                                             


At work, I couldn't stop thinking about Holtz. I was trying to research more past paranormal events, but my mind kept flashing back to when she said she had a crush on me. Did she mean it? She was drunk, but people sometimes say the truth when they are drunk. I shut my computer lid and sigh. 

"What's on your mind?" Abby asks as she walks into the room. 

"Oh. Nothing!" 

"Does it have something to do with a certain blonde engineer?" 

"What? no? Why would I be thinking about her?"

"Uh because you're head over heels for her?"

"I am not! I am not gay!" I lie. 

"Ok sure. You're about straight as a protractor."


"Y'know one straight part, one not straight part?" I tilt my head to one side, still not understanding what Abby is saying. "YOU'RE BISEXUAL. HALF GAY HALF NOT."

"Oh. I am not!" 

"Ok sure. Sarah Kinney?" My mind flashed back to junior year. I had english with Abby and a cute girl named Sarah Kinney. She was short, blonde, and had blue eyes similar to Holtzmann's. I tried to be subtle about my crush on her, but Abby must have picked up on it. 

"Ok fine yes I am, but don't tell anyone." 

"I won't! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I don't know. I guess I hadn't really accepted it myself." 

"Oh Erin! Wait, does this mean you like Holtz?"


"Right.... anyway, I'm going to the store. Need anything?"

"Nope!" Abby leaves and I lean back in my chair.

 There are so many thought swirling around in my head. Maybe I should tell Holtz how I feel. 

All of a sudden, the door opens and Holtzmann walks in, holding a duffle bag. I get up off my chair and walk quickly to her. I'm standing centimeters away from her; I can feel her breath on mine. I cup her cheeks and pull her close to me before attaching our lips. She drops her bag next to her before grabbing my waist and kissing back. She suddenly pulls away and stares at me with a smile. 

"Nice to see you too." 

this took me so long to write, but my friend helped me figure it out! Also they finally kissed!!! I was gonna wait for a bit longer, but it seemed right to do it now! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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