Ch8- Taken It Well

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Drews pov

I saw Melina at her party and she was looking stunning like normal, ever since her putting me on my couch in my office. I knew she loves to nurture people, that made me fall in love with her.

Then I saw her sitting reflecting on her day, while I was trying to decide should I tell her that I have feelings for her. Right when I was about to kiss her, her old flame came back. He lightly pushed me over a bit but with my sturdy body I moved one inch and stayed I place.

They got into a deep conversation so I stepped a way, I don't know what's going to happen with this wonderful woman but I know her ex isn't the one for her, if she thinks that then she's very naïve but at the same time would I be since I love her?

As long as she works with me I'll be protecting her without her knowing, I gave her mom my word on if I hired her I'll take care of her. With my feelings to the side I'm not mad or jealous I'm protective.

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