Ch16- Tex Dinner

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We walked into are favorite restaurant, tex was quieter than what's normal. He's normally talkative and happy but today he's worried and I can see it on his face.

Are you okay? I say as the waiter gives us are drinks.

You like like your boss don't you?

I knew he had known for the longest but I didn't won't him to think I still didn't care about him.

I do and I still love you Tex, it's just I would love to see where things with him and I could go but I'm moving to Australia in the next quarter so nothing will come of us.

Do you still love me as some thing more? ( he paused )

I can't like I love him so much and since drew is staying here Tex and I could be happy once more.


I'll move with you and we can do this together, once I go home I'll pack and take a trip to Australia to find a place for us.

With all of this out of the way now I can breath easy to know everything is going to be okay, he came home with me and cuddled.

I Work For You ( I dream of drew ) Where stories live. Discover now