Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Best Night Ever

Stella and I were partying already in the car. We were in a really good mood. We had to drive around 20 minutes to arrive at Michael's house. The music was really loud and we were basically just jamming around. It was really fun.

We arrived at Michael's house and I could already see a lot of people. We got out of the car and headed to the house. We entered it and looked for Leah and the boys. We passed a lot of drunk people and some people were making out and some people were just dancing. It was my first party ever and I had never seen anything like that before.

A few minutes later we found our friends. I greeted everyone and sat down next to Leah. Ryan, Chaz, and Justin weren't there yet. I looked around and saw everyone enjoying themselves and I realized what I missed at life. I was always alone on weekends and bored and now I would be going to parties. I think a lot of things will change in my life. A few more people from the basketball and cheerleader team joined us now. Suddenly Josh came with some bottles of alcohol. My eyes widen. It was so much I didn't understand how they could drink that much.

"Ever drank alcohol?" Leah asked me. I just shook my head.

"Come on taste." She gave me a bottle of Vodka. I looked at it and then at Leah. She nodded. I gave it a try and chugged it down. It was okay actually. I just drank alcohol for the first time. I watched the others drink shot after shot. I guessed they were used to it. Leah asked me if I wanted to dance and I agreed. We stood up and started dancing to the music. I was laughing the whole time and dancing and I felt that I wanted more alcohol. I walked over to the table and took a shot. After I drank it I walked back to Leah and danced with her again.

A few minutes later I felt my phone vibrating. I had a message.

To Julie
From Justin

Come outside x

"Leah? I'll be right back okay?" I said and she nodded. I made my way through the people and walked outside. I looked around but I couldn't see Justin. I walked a bit around. "Justin?" I screamed but he didn't reply. I was still looking for him as I felt hands on my waist.

"Hey there, beautiful girl." I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear. Justin. I smiled and turned around.

"Hey." I kissed his cheek and hugged him really tight.

"You look gorgeous." He told me when he pulled back from the hug.

"Thanks, Justin." I giggled.

"You drank right?"

"Yeah. Sorry if I'm acting weird. It's my first time."

"It's okay." He chuckled.

"Where are Chaz and Ryan?"

"They should be here any minute." I nodded and waited with him. We were talking and soon the boys arrived. I hugged them both and we walked into the house. There were so many people. We tried walking through the crowd, it was pretty difficult. I felt Justin taking my hand and linking our fingers. I looked at him and smiled. We finally arrived at the place our friends were. I saw Leah coming towards us.

"Aww." She said.

"What?" I asked a bit confused. She pointed at my hand and I noticed that I was still holding Justin's hand. I loosen my grip immediately. I knew that I was blushing and that usually doesn't happen. Awkward.

It was around 3 AM now. We were at the party for four hours already and I had so much fun. I couldn't remember ever having so much as today. By now I drank more shots and I even felt a bit dizzy because I wasn't used to it. I thought that it was enough and that I should stop. The whole night I was talking to Justin. He was so adorable and so much fun. He drank even more than me but he felt alright. We were having an amazing time together as friends. Stella was somewhere hooking up with Chaz. Leah told me that I shouldn't be surprised because that happened every weekend. Ryan also disappeared with a girl. Leah was dancing with Ashley and Sarah the whole time and I was just sitting on the couch with Justin, drinking. Well, now I stopped.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I just wanted to check if I looked alright. I walked through the crowd and arrived at the bathroom. It was really beautiful, I liked it a lot. I still looked okay. I just put some lipstick on and then I walked out again. I passed some people but then someone grabbed me by my arm. I turned around to see a blonde girl with green eyes standing in front of me. I remembered her. Stella told me that she was a 'bitch' . She told me on the first school day.

"Can I help you?" I asked. I didn't want to talk to her. I mean what does she want?

"Listen." She spat and came a bit closer to me. "Justin is mine okay? You better leave him alone."

"Do I look like I'm his girlfriend or something? No. We're just friends and now leave me alone."

"Of course. That's what all bitches say. I'm just trying to be friendly and warn you that he's mine." Friendly? Calling me a bitch doesn't make you friendly.

"Oh my god, you can have him. Damn. Bye now, I don't have time for people like you." I hissed and turned around. I walked back to the others. I was upset. I sat down next to Justin and crossed my arms in front of me.

"What took you so long?"

"Nothing. A lot of people." I said loudly because of the music but I didn't look at him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm good." He nodded and didn't ask more questions. I was just thinking about that girl for an hour already. She was just .. awful. I knew she would be trouble and that's exactly what I didn't need. She annoyed me so much. If she wants Justin she can have him. I never told anyone that I want him so. Whatever. I shook my head I didn't want to think about her. I came here to have fun. I walked over to Leah and danced with her. Later Stella joined us. It was fun. Even Justin, Ryan and Chaz joined us. They were really good dancers. I was actually having the time of my life at that moment. I could forget about everything for a moment and just be happy and free.

Stella looked at her watch and she looked a bit shocked. She whispered something in Justin's ear and then he came towards me.

"We have to go."

"Why? Whats's wrong?"

"Surprise, come on." I nodded and walked to the couch. I took all my things and walked back to Justin, waiting for the others to take their stuff. We walked outside.

"How late is it?" Stella asked.

"5.35" Chaz answered.

"Okay hurry we have 30 minutes," Stella said.

"For what?" I asked.

"You'll see let's go. Justin, you drank so you're coming with us okay? Chaz, you go with Ryan he didn't drink." Stella said. They nodded and walked to their car. I was really confused. I walked to Stella's car and sat down on the back with Justin. Stella started the engine and started driving. Ryan followed us in his car. Justin laid his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest. I had no idea what was going on. Stella was asking for the time like every minute.

"Okay, now guys were are taking me?"

"The hills," Justin whispered into my ear. Okay, so they were making a big deal about going to the hills? I was even more than confused.

25 minutes later we arrived at a really beautiful place. It was a bit bright outside already because it was early.

"Okay let's sit down here," Leah said.

"And what are we exactly doing here?" I asked.

"Watching the sunrise," Justin said. Oh. "Come here." He tapped at the free place next to him. I sat down and looked at the skyline it was amazing. The sun started to rise. Wow, it was so beautiful. This was a perfect ending of a perfect day. First skating with Justin, then my first party and then this beautiful sunrise. Everything was perfect.

I laid my head on Justin's shoulder.

"Guys thank you."

"For what?" Justin asked.

"For the most amazing night of my entire life."

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