Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - Tell

"Justin, can you please stop that it's annoying!" I yelled at him. He was really bored and kept throwing pillows at me.

After school, I went with Justin to his place. We waited for the rest of the clique. Today at school I had my french quiz it went really well actually. Without Justin's help I would have been screwed. Definitely.

Back to the point.

We were waiting for the rest to just hanging out for a bit and make some plans for next week since we had a break for a week. I really needed that. School had been so stressful lately, even if it didn't really seem like that but it really was. I was really looking forward to hanging out with the clique, to be around Justin and to spend more time with my Mom when she was back from Colorado.

The only problem I had now was Justin and his fucking pillows.

"I'm not going to ask you to stop again. Just do it already." I said.

"But it's funny." He said, throwing another pillow. It was the 4th.

I shook my head. "It's annoying so stop it, Justin."

He laughed. "Well to you it is, to me it's funny."

"Oh my god. You know what? Keep going. Two more pillows and then you don't have any."

"I will just pick up the others and throw again." He giggled.

"Geez, I'm gonna look for Jax and Jaz, bye," I said, staying up and walking towards the door.

"No wait don't leave me I won't do it again." He said, pouting.

I giggled. "Alright. But if you do it again I'll just go." He nodded. I walked over to his bed. I took all the pillows he threw at me with me and laid them on the bed where Justin was sitting on. I sat down and talked to him. We started making some plans for the break. Justin wanted to leave Beverly again but I wanted to stay here because I wanted to spend time with my mom too. We'll just talk about it when the others arrive.

Justin's Point of View

Chaz, Julie, Leah, Ryan and Stella were at my place now. We were making plans for the break but that was so difficult because everyone wanted to go to a different place. Chaz and Stella wanted to go to the Bahamas and in my opinion that was a cool idea actually since I've been there and I loved it. Ryan wanted to go to St. Tropez. I've never been there but sounds good. Leah wanted to go to Miami and Julie, well Julie wanted to stay at home. I even asked her if she wanted to go to Canada to visit her friends there but she said no. I accepted her decision.

"Guys we should decide now or I'll just go to the Bahamas with Stella. Alone." Chaz spoke up.

"I don't really care where we go as long as I'm with you guys and I can party and drink and have fun," I said.

"You can have a lot of that in Miami," Leah answered.

"In St. Tropez you can have that too. Plus girls." Ryan smirked.

"Orrrrr, y'all just stay home with me. Yay." Julie said, throwing her hands in the air. We all laughed.

"No no no." Leah shook her head. "Why do you even want to stay at home?"

"I want to spend more time with my Mom. She's in Colorado this weekend and when she back I want to be with her." Julie said looking at Leah.

"Party at your house this weekend," Chaz said.

"Nah forget that," Julie spoke. "No parties at my house. My mom is going to kill me. I mean you guys can come over this Saturday but only you and I mean it. No party."

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