Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Point of Views

Leah's Point of View

We all were back at Ryan's crib watching some movies but to be honest I didn't pay to much attention to them. My mind was full with so many other things. I was feeling like crap. No one noticed, of course no one did. They all knew me as the tough girl who always runs her mouth. I always had a smile on my face even if I didn't want to smile.

I can't blame them for not noticing though. I never talk about my feelings. I knew that these people were my best friends and that I could talk to them about everything but I refused to. I didn't want to be annoying.

Back at home I have no one to talk to. My sister Emily moved out 2 years ago because she couldn't take it in our house anymore. My parents used to fight so much, they still do and that's why she decided to move out. I didn't have the best relationship with my parents.

I never told my friends about my problems at home. I didn't want them to worry about me. It was my problem and not their's. I didn't want them to be involved in that. It was my fight and I had to fight this alone, on my own.

I couldn't wait to go to college next year so I could move out of there. I looked over to my friends. Chaz and Stella seemed to be so damn happy. They were made for each other. I adored them. Julie and Justin were extremly cute too. We all knew they would date soon. They would be perfect.

I always wanted that too, to have an amazing boyfriend who loves and cares about me. Someone who didn't want to change me and who accepted me the way I am. But wait, I am the 'whore' and the 'slut' so who would date me right? People have been calling me names since a few months but I couldn't care less. I hooked up with a lot of boys, yes, but only because I wanted attention. I wanted boys to want me too but I know that it was wrong. I looked up. I needed to change that. I needed to change me. I wanted to be happier with my life. I already had the best friends in the world and I was grateful for them. I needed a few more things to be happier but I had to find out what.

"Leah are you okay?" Stella asked me.

I looked down to her and smiled. "Yes, yes I'm good." I watched the film.

Ryan's Point of View

I'm so happy to be honest. I have an amazing family who cares and loves me and I have the bestest friends in the entire world. I've never been in such a good state before. Everything was so fine and totally peaceful.

I was really grateful to have such amazing friends. Justin and Chaz have been my friends since I can think. I appreciate them so much. We have been through so many things and that just didn't make them my best friends, it made them my brothers, part of my family.

I have known Leah and Stella for quite a long while, maybe 6 or 7 years. These girls are amazing and they are so much different than girls I've met in my life. I knew Julie for a few months now and she became and really big and important part of my life. She's my best friend. I could always talk to her about everything. I was glad that she moved here and that she is friends with us now.

Chaz, Justin, Julie, Leah and Stella were family to me and I didn't want to lose them ever. I had everything I needed in my life, family, friends, good grades, money and most important happiness.

But I thought it was time and I should look for someone I could share my happiness with. Someone who I truly love and someone who loves me back. I knew that it was difficult to find the right girl in this time but I had a good feeling that in near future I wouldn't be alone anymore. Right now I just wanted to enjoy the life the way it was and who knew? Maybe God had already plans for me and my life.

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