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A.N: Okay so I want to make this clear, this the sequeal to The Secret Life Book 1. Once you read that You will understand this book and chapters I will mention. The the second one I am going to make more action pact. I am sorry for not making this book over the summer. I had other things going on and other things on my mind. I hope I am able to get more readers. :D



"FIND HER! FIND THE GIRL NOW!" A man's voice boomed throughout the warehouse.

"Yes Sir!" I heard several men say.

"Here." I said to my helper giving him the walkie talkie that can pick up everything they were saying inside the warehouse.

"Be careful. Plan B is up and ready to go if Plan A fails." My helper replied.

I calculated ten men inside and five around the outside of the warehouse. They were planning something big. I have been sabotaging their plans by taking the secret documents. I'm just so desperate to find answers.

Walking closer to the warehouse I prepared to make my first move. My helper signaled me a thumbs up saying its clear to go. I pulled out my tranquilizer gun to shoot one of the big muscular guys wearing all black. He was standing at the side door, which was my main entrance inside. As the guy took a brief look away and told them everything is clear on his side; I shot out the dart.

I ran full speed to make sure I tranqulized the guy in the neck. He fell to the ground and I slowly walked up to him. Suddenly, his hands quickly went around my neck and squeezed as hard as he could. I gasped for air, lucky the tranquilizer kicked in as his hands dropped onto the floor. I took in a breath and opened the door slowly and undetected. I quickly and quietly snuck in.

'Those idiots think they can beat me.' I thought to myself rolling my eyes.

I heard footsteps walking down the hallway as I smoothly got into the warehouse.

"I will check this room for her." I heard a guy say.

I quickly moved away from the door and hid behind some boxes that were stacked. I peeked over the boxes for a glimpse. He had one gun in his holster. He looked big and has a scar on his left cheek.

Getting ready to face him, I took out my taser. Lifting myself up, I became noticeable as the top box that was stacked fell to the ground.

"Come here little girl!" The big man charged at me.

He swung at me but I ducked. Making my move, I aimed the taser at his balls; but I was quickly lifted up by the back of my shirt. Reacting quickly, I kicked him in the stomach, but he didn't even flinch.

He chuckled and was about to throw me across the room. I put the taser to his arm instead, shocking him. He dropped me shaking off the pain. I knew he was pissed off by the way he snarled at me. I charged at him putting the taser to his neck, shocking him before he took another step closer to me.

The guy fell to the ground unconsciously twitching. I needed to quickly get to the main room in this warehouse. I know I don't have much time since the one of the guards I tranquilized exactly ten minutes ago. They must know I'm on the move. I left the storage room, I assumed.

Entering the hallway, three men spotted me with deathly stares and smirks.

"Take her down." The guy in the middle ordered. He looked crazy and insane.

I knew I was running out of defense supplies. They were running toward me as I was coming up with a plan. The guy on the right tried to tackle me down. I quickly dodged him, jumping to the side with my right leg in the air kicking him in the face.

Little did I know, the tall blonde from the left grabbed my arm. He pulled me back away from the other guy. His hairy knuckles were inches away from my face. I turned dodging his punch and kneed him in the groan. He let go of my arm while groaning in pain.

As the blonde guy went down holding his crotch; I was suddenly lifted in the air and thrown into the wall. I smacked into the wall and fell down. I wiped the blood that was running down from my nose.

As I pushed myself back up, I got punched in the stomach from the guy on the right. I stumbled back, but kept myself from falling down. All three of them were ganging up on me.

Luckily there was a door behind me leading to the documents I needed. I ran into the room and ten faces turned to my direction. In a swift move all guns were pointed at me. My lips formed into an 'O' and my mind was like 'Oh shit'.

All I could do was hope my back up plan works. The old man that ruined my family was the boss of all guys in the warehouse.

He slowly came up to me.

"Guns down men. She is an old friend of mine." The old man said smirking.

"You wish old man!" I shouted and punched him in the face hearing a crack as my knuckle connected with his nose.

Blood ran down his new broken nose.

He just laughed wiping the blood away.

"Nice to finally see you again Brooks." He said and added "Now, let me greet you."

His moves are so quick, I could not react in time to block the hit. He punched me in the face so hard I fell onto the ground. I knew that my nose wasn't broken (there wasn't a sound of a broken bone), but I knew my cheek is red now and soon the redness will be a huge purple bruise on my cheek later. I'm guessing he tried to break my jaw. Blood dripped from my split lip, and I quickly licked it away.

He pulled me up by the arm only to inject me with a needle. I yanked on his new grey hair and clawed at his face yelling "You monster!!" My reflexes slowed down and darkness started to cloud my mind.

My eyes opened slowly. I was laying in the back seat of a vehicle. I felt the vehicle moving. I wasn't tied up or anything, so I slowly sat up. I looked out the back winshield. Two black SUV vans were crashed into trees with black smoke coming out the front of the vehicle. In the far distance, I saw black smoke behind some trees, where the warehouse was located.

Plan B must of have worked out excelent. My helper blew the place up, pretty good. I turned around and looked up front.

"Told you plan B was ready to go." My helper replied.

"Was he surprised when you showed up?" I asked.

"My uncle was very suprised." My helper replied.

"Thank you for saving me." I said.

"You're welcome." He said.

"Did you get the papers?" I asked.

"Mason never fails." Mason said holding up the documents that are slightly burned around the edges.

Reveal the TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora