Falling For The Wrong People: 2

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Hey guys! This is the second chapter; hope you like it!



Nadia :)


Ameera Chowdhury 

My sleep was peaceful...so very peaceful. However, after what presumably felt like a few minutes, I questioned myself; If my mind was blank, why could I hear a constant ringing in my head?

I scrunched my eyes in confusion but decided to ignore it; I was starting to lose sense of what was going on around me when I heard it again.

Ring, ring!

This time it was louder than before. I groaned inwards and started to fumble in my bed, hoping that it would disappear but it didn’t. It only grew more annoying, if that were even possible.

By the seventh or so ring, I gave up and got out of bed, now fully awake, and walked around the room to investigate. My eyes finally glanced over at the small, rectangular alarm clock perched on my window sill. It was easy to spot as it was the only thing there...no photos or pretty flowers in a pot.

Who knew such an annoying sound could come from such a small object?

I sighed loudly and pulled at my messy bed hair, hoping it didn’t look that bad. The sun was shining, as usual, that’s how I knew that I had slept for the whole night. Pulling a cream silk dress made by my mother out from my drawer, I made my way to the shower. Hopefully, I could make my shower quick and not wake everybody up in the process.

Once I was finished, I walked down to the kitchen where I spotted my mother cutting some fresh fruit into a bowl.

She smiled at me, “Good morning, how was your sleep?”

I replied back with a smile plastered on my face, "It was fine. I didn’t realise how tired I was until my head hit the pillow,”

She laughed lightly, "Yes, it’s strange when that happens!” She placed the bowl of fruit in front of me, sending me a knowing look. She knew that I hadn’t eaten since last night. My stomach growled once at the sight of the fruit to indicate that she was right. I was hungry indeed.

I focused on the bowl in front of me. There were lots of fruit: Jackfruit, mango and not forgetting sour apples - my favorite - I reached my hand out to grasp a slice of apple and moaned at the sheer sweetness it brought to my mouth.

My mother heard my moan of satisfaction and smiled once more before turning to leave the kitchen. Before she left, she turned back around and asked, “What time do you finish at the fruit farm today?”

I bit the last of the apples and replied, "Uh, I think six or seven; I don’t know for sure.” I played with a grape in my hand before popping it into my mouth. "You know how the master is; some days he lets us all go early and other days he keeps us for an hour or two longer.”

She nodded in consideration, "Yes, I do know. Well, Khalid is a good man and has offered help to us many times.” She sighed and pulled a loose strand of hair behind her ears, "Tell him that it is important that you come home quickly; I have something to tell you.”

I raised one eyebrow in suspicion, "Hmm, what do you need to tell me?”

She showed no sign of replying though. Her face was blank; something that she has mastered over the years. Instead she turned her head and walked out, leaving my suspicions unanswered.

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