Falling For The Wrong People: 5

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to write another chapter but here it is. For those of you who don't know already, my exams start next week and then it is on going until the start of June so i'll try and upload more frequently but it will be rare. 




Nadia :)


Ameera Chowdhury

My little sister Nabeela was the first person I greeted in the morning. She was jumping up and down on my bed, her hair flying all over the place, as she screamed “Wake up, sister!” repeatedly.

A loud groan escaped my lips. They were most definitely back from whoever’s house they had visited the previous night. Just when I was getting used to the silence, they had to come back. I yawned loudly and started to raise myself off my bed. This was a little hard considering there was a continuous imbalance of weight on my bed. Everything seemed a lot bumpier but despite this, I still managed to get half my body out from under the duvet cover. After wiping the sleep from my eyes, I looked at Nabeela who was still jumping on my bed.

I suddenly grasped her shoulders, making sure it was not too hard, and dragged her down onto my lap. She squealed loudly as I did this.

“I’m up! I’m up!” I shouted into her ear, a smile already forming onto my face.

She quickly covered her ears with both her arms, a pained look evident on her face. “That hurt, sister.” She pouted her lips for a second before whining at me. “You messed up my hair!”

Looking up at her head, I realised that I had indeed messed up her hair. The thick black plait which had no doubt been put together by my mother now hung lifelessly around her head. A few strands of hair trickled down her face causing her to huff in anger. According to Nabeela, there was nothing worse than having hair all over your face; this was why she always made my mother use various clips to hold her hair in place.

I laughed at her face and started to tickle her sides. “Oh, really?”

She didn’t get a chance to answer my question as she started fidgeting around on my bed, trying to cease her laughter but failing. “Argghh S-s-stop I-it sister please!”

I kept tickling her and watching her face. Her eyes scrunched up to slit and her mouth had a huge smile planted into it. Her melodic laugh filled the room reminding me of her innocence.

“What are you doing to her?” asked a familiar voice curiously from above.

Looking up, I locked eyes with Wasim who was leaning against the wall beside my door. Both his eyebrows were pushed together in confusion, leaving a crinkle to appear in the middle of his forehead. One of his hands were stuffed into his jeans pocket and his once white t-shirt was now a muddy brown from the many games of football he had played during the last couple of days.

I straightened my back and placed my hand onto my side, “nothing much, just getting her back for waking me up like that.”

He rolled his eyes and started to shuffle on his feet, he looked up again after a few seconds with a smirk on his face. “Your hair looks like a bird nested there by the way.”

My hand automatically rose to feel the top of my head and to my annoyance, there actually was a heap of knots and curls in place of my normally smooth hair. I groaned aloud and started to straighten it out as best with my hand before getting out of my bed. Nabeela was right behind me, refusing to leave me alone.

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