Falling For The Wrong People: 6

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Hello guys. I know it's been ages since I last uploaded but I realised that this story hasn't been written as well as I'd hoped and there are lots of factors missing so I'll still write it but it won't be as good as I'd once hoped.

Ramadan has ended and Eid was just yesterday. Who else had a lovely eid? Let me know!

Enjoy it though!






Ameera Choudhury

For the most part of that day, my mind was not completely on the task of picking mangoes but rather, what I would face when I arrived home.

You know that feeling of foreboding that you feel when you watch a horror movie, for instance? Knowing that something bad will happen to the main character but yet you can’t tear your eyes away from it until it suddenly hits you?

Well, that’s what it felt like at that particular moment. Knowing that this was of a similar circumstance did my head or heart any favours. It made things one hundred times worse.

But one thing was certain. I could make sure that Halima was no longer affected by this new revelation of mine. I felt relieved when she believed my little fib about Wasim but yet I couldn’t help but feel extremely guilty at the same time. I knew that she would be upset that I hadn’t told her myself but she would find out anyway- even if it was a couple of months down the line.  I just hoped that she would be able to understand from my point of view and just be happy for me. That would make me smile for a lifetime – knowing that she was happy.

I sighed deeply as my thoughts whirred rapidly around my head. If I wasn’t careful, I could suffer from a headache from over thinking and worrying too much about petty things.

Leaving my fruit basket underneath the mango tree I walked towards Auntie Maria, fiddling with a piece of loose string from my dress. Once I had safely reached her, I looked down and continued to fiddle.

She looked up from her work and sneered, “What do you want Ameera?”

I fiddle more whilst muttering, “I wanted to know what the time was.”

“Speak louder, I can’t hear you.” She said sternly. It was clear from the tone of her voice that she was getting more and more agitated. This woman really did annoy me but she was an elder and elders were to be treated with respect.

I cleared my throat before looking up directly at her eyes and saying, “I wanted to know what the time was.”

“That wasn’t so hard now was it?” She asked me but before I could answer she continued. “The time is nearly six o’ clock.”

I muttered a quick thank you before walking away. Finally, I could go home now and find out what was going on with my marriage but something told me that I would not be happy with the new information that I would be given. It made things more real and reminded me that time was short and if I didn’t comply with the rules that had been placed generations ago by my ancestors, then there would be trouble.


As I walked closer to my home, the first thing that hit me was the lovely smell that came with hot Jalebis as they were lifted from a steaming pan of oil and also lovely samosas that were definitely my favourite snack of all time.

If my mother had prepared these sorts of food then it was clear to me that there were guests inside my house. I braced myself for a second before entering the house.

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