Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jessie's POV

Are you fucking kidding me?!

"No, no we aren't." Zayn replied.

SHIT did I say that out loud?

"Yes, sweetie, you did." Liam replied sassily.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. How the hell am I supposed to be nice to them when they are being rude to me. This is gonna be a long week of being nice to them, when they are gonna be rude to me. I'll pull through like I always do.

"Would you guys like to come in?" I offered.

"Yeah, we would." Replied Harry.

Before they were going to trample me I stepped out of the way. I figured they already knew the layout of the house, since they all went straight for the living room. I followed right behind them.

"Would you guys like something to drink?"


"Diet Pepsi"

"Mountain Dew"


"Dr Pepper"

"Okay, I'll get those for you all."

As I walked out the room towards the hallway, I heard them whispering, but I couldn't tell what they were saying.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed all the sodas. I was surprised when I got them all on one trip.

I started walking towards the living room, but quickly stopped and heard them talking instead of whispering.

"You guys she's being really nice."

"Yeah, too nice!"

"Maybe we should call off being rude and mean."

"Maybe we can actually get along with her!"

"You guys lets just be mean for the rest of the day, then see how that goes?"

"That's fine."

"I guess."




So they really were out to be rude weren't they?! I knew something was wrong! Ugh.

I slowly walked in the room with the sodas.

"Hey guys, here's your sodas!"

"Jessie, I wanted Lemonade not Mountain Dew! God can you not even get that fucking straight either?!"

"Let me just go grab you one then."

"No Jessie, he can go get himself."

"Uhm, okay. I guess."

Liam got up to get his own soda and shot daggers at Louis.


Hope you guys like it!

- Christina :)

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