Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jess's POV

I got out of my Nissan Sentra that Simon had gotten for me. I told him that I couldn't accept the Ferrari that he chose for me so I asked him if he could get me the Sentra.

I walked towards the front of the school and looked around.

I looked at the school sign. It read

"Hill Crest Private Preparatory"

Home of the Fighting Falcons.

Thank god that the assholes don't go here. If they did, I think I'd have to shoot myself in the face.

As I entered the hallway, I only attracted a few looks from different people. None of which looked familiar. I walked around for a little bit until I saw a guy that I vaguely remembered. His face rang a bell but I couldn't remember from where. He turned towards his friends laughing an obviously fake obnoxious laugh.

I approached him and said "Excuse me". He didn't respond so I tapped him on the shoulder which caused him to jolt up and turn around.

"What do you want?" was the response I received.

"Um, I was wondering if you could tell me where the office was. It's my first day and I'm a little lost."

A look of recognition flashed on his face.



How did I not recognize my ex best friend from like 6 years ago. We had known eachother since birth and were connected at the hips until something happened and well we grew apart.


"Oh please not that nickname again."

"Whoops" was my response with a little wink.

He turned to his friends who were looking at us with a few pissed faces and a few insane looks like we were the crazy ones...oh wait.

He looked back with a straight face and said, "Get out of my way bitch. Who the fuck are you anyways?"


Hey Guys! Here's a quick upload!

Love ya all lots!

- Tina :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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