What's Wrong?

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Reika walked into the Council room. The students there greeted her, "Good Morning Aoki~San!"

Reika smiled softly, bowing her head slightly, "Good Morning to you too.." She glanced over at the clock, "You should be heading to class. I'll take care of the paperwork."

They nodded, leaving the paper and exiting the room.

Reika set herself down on a nearby chair, and sighed softly. Picking up a pen, she tapped the end on the desk. After some time, she began to trace words, tick or cross the sheets.

But then stopped, placing the pen down and burying her head into her arms.

"Are you okay Reika? ~Kuru." A small voice asked, popping her head out the pink bag. Reika's head turned to the voice.

Reika released a soft sigh, "Y-Yes Candy; I-m okay."

Candy turned her head in confusion and jumped onto the desk. "Reika... Tell Candy what's wrong.. ~Kuru."

"Well..." Reika started, raising her head to face Candy, "...I know I've been acting strange and all, but I've been having these.. Thoughts."

Candy stared into Reika's deep blue eyes, "What kind of thoughts Reika? ~Kuru."
"It's kind of like, 'Forbidden Love'. That sort of thing." She sighed and rested her chin on the arms. "Ever since King Peirrot was defeated, none of his Generals retured.."

"And that's good. Right? ~Kuru." Candy asked.

"I-I guess it is. But the one I.. I.." But stopped. Reika sat up straight as a tear slide down. "I'm sorry C-Candy.. I-I can't tell you. You'll never forgive me.." She sobbed.

Candy thought of something cheery to say, but nothing came out. "If you want Reika. I can leave you alone, so you can think for a bit. ~Kuru." Candy said, making way to the floor. "I'll be with Miyuki and the others. See you later? ~Kuru."

Reika wiped some tears that trailed down and smiled softly, "O-Of course.." Candy smiled and hopped to the door handle. Jumping until it opened, then hopped out.

Sighing shakily, Reika slowly got to the door. Shutting it close and locking it.

She slumped back down onto the chair. The chair squeaked back in response as Reika sat down, swaying a bit.

'If I told Candy..' Reika started to think, 'She would've told the other girls.. Maybe they could help me get him back!'

She started to smile, but it simply faded away into a frown. 'No.. They won't..' But then a horrifying thought came to mind.
'If I told them. They would never let anyone, like me, become a Precure. My friends would hate me forever..'

As she picked up a pen to resume her work, a small drop of water formed on the desk. Then another, and another. Her eyes widen as more fell.

Her tears soaked the table as she began to cry harder. She wiped her eyes furiously but more came dripping down.

Those negative thoughts made it worse for her. Now crying hard, she burried her face into her arms.

She breathed heavily as she cried.

As she cried in the dip of her arms, she felt a soft tap on her right sholder. She opened one eye and looked up to her right. No one was there.

Again, she felt another on her left. Turning her head to the left. Nothing.

Reika sat up steadily as she wiped her eyes, which eventually dried up. "H-Hello?"

She then stood up and scanned the room. Suddenly spotting someone leaning against the wall. 'It's just another student..'

Slowly, Reika walked over. "E-Excuse me Mister.. But I don't think you should be here." She said softly.

The boy turned round as his eyes glistened in the shadows. He smiled softly, but quickly became a smirk, "Well well. You look just the way we left you."

He chuckled, closing in on her. Reika stepped back in fright. "Do I know you?"

His eyes narrowed, as he chuckled again, "I'm sure you do my dear.." He bowed down as a dark aura surrounded him. Morphing into it's original shape.

He remained in a bow position but lifted his head. Reika's eyes opened wide, "H-How?"

He then stood up tall, "Your tears and negative thought brought me alive again. It was. Delicious~" He licked his lips.

A highlight of red quickly spread onto Reika's cheeks. He came behind Reika and rested his hands on her sholder.

He whispered in her ear, "And I think I'd like a second serving~"  He playfully licked her ear. Reika blushed deeper.

"My dear Beauty.. What's wrong?"

(Author's Note)
Idek how I found them in the first place X3
~Dani 💕

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