Count down

4 0 0

I lost the warm embrace of my loved one when I returned to the one reality that is filled with the misery I have lived with ever since I came to realise this was reality. The cushioned softness of the red velvet couch beneath me felt cold just like I did. I rested my hand onto the cushion before pushing myself up from the couch, my hair a mess in spiky strands falling in front of my soulless eyes. Dark circles formed underneath my sunken orbs, a grim expression left behind from the moment of joy I had last night. Quickly forgetting what it feels to smile.

The morning of day shone through the cracked open curtains, showing the rays of light that revealed the unseen dust that was speckled throughout the air. My clothes wrinkled at every move I make, shadowing and high lighting areas of my blue top, tinging rose-madder from the scarlet sweater I wore during the other lighting.
Swirling heaps of unclear vision watered through my muscles, that can be easily be mistaken as simple tiredness, but what I felt is something different yet the same in a way.
Where is mommy.
I saw myself push me off the velvet couch then step onto the white carpet, suddenly stopping to a halt when my senses finally caught up to me. The loud shrieking noise of a feminine voice was heard from the upstairs bedroom, the sound if where physical felt like my stomach had been torn out. And yet, my expression was left, Unchanged, my feet slowly dragging along the carpet, winding up the wooden stairs like nothing was being heard, mainly until the realising hit me. Nobody. Hurts. My family.

I twisted the bronze covered door handle, the screaming along with other inaudible sounds that grew louder as the door slowly opened. The sight and sound before me, is why  I always keep scissors in my back pocket.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
It had been four minutes since I had opened the door.
And three minutes since the murderer had died.
Two minutes since mother ran out of the room.
And one minute since I had dismembered the limbs.

And now, Im having a little fun with the skin.
I slowly, harshly slit the scissors into the skin of his face, pretending as though he could still feel the pain.

"Breaking and entering counts as a crime" I whispered to the dead body, shoving it deeper, and slicing up towards his left eye.

"Attempt of murder is also a crime"
The scissors pierced the edge of his tear duct.

"But attempt of rape. Deserves DEATH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, plunging the scissors deep into his eye, slicing and shredding the iris, leaving nothing but a pile of goop and blood leaking out the edges.

I looked down unto the unrecognisable face of the murderer. I didn't stop until the skin was gone from the face.
I did what was right this time. I saved mother. This was okay to do.
I walked out of the room, breathing heavily since I just fought a 40 year old man, and won. My clean shirt was now deep red, still dripping and fresh.

I followed the sound of sobs from my mother, which led into my room, in my closet. I creaked my bedroom door open, which caused her to stop, and gasp inwards. She must think the murderer killed me and is coming for her.

"Mom?" I asked, trying my hardest not to scare her. Once she heard my voice she pried open the mirror door, almost breaking it into shards and ran across the white carpet, pulling me into a tight embrace.

Her hazel hair was a mess, her shirt half pulled down exposing her bra strap, and her eyes blood shot, and tear stained.
I stroked her hair with my bloody hand, forgetting it was still dripping.
"Are you ok?! Did they hurt you?!" She panicked as she gave me a full body inspection, stopping at my hands. She looked up into my eyes, realising what I had done.

I waited for her to yell at me, and tell me its wrong. But she didn't. All she did was hug me again, tears pouring once again, dampening my soaking shirt.
"Come one. L-lets get you cleaned up" she said, sniffling and wiping away some tears. She ran a bath for me, then ran to the door when we both heard sirens. She must have called the police.

The once clear bathwater was swirling with red, turning bright vermilion, the bubbles looking like red mountains. I washed away the dried blood on my hands, face and arms with my raspberry smelling bosy-wash. The dark warm water occasionally spilling over the sides.
I hummed to the tune of the song mother sung for me last night.
Will you be my guiding light.
Through the lonely blinding light.
Policemen's POV
"Come and take a look at this", I told my partner, gesturing to the room with the busted door. It looked as though someone had slammed it open so hard, it broke the hinges and dented a hole in a wall by the handle. But the sight that was shown, was beyond traumatizing.

"Do 'ya think an eleven year old actually did 'is?" My partner asked with his english accent.
Both of s stayed quite, some others taking pictures for evidential reasons. The silence was interrupted by eerie humming. We all turned our heads to the bathroom door.

"Is that the kid?" I asked, slightly intimidated. The humming continued, until the sound of splashing was heard, and the drain plug being pulled.

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