A week later

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"Questioning?!" mommy shouted from the room next door. The policemen were talking to mother, and she told me to go and play with my toys in the next room. I didn't fuss about it. Since I didn't even need to be in the room to hear what they are talking about.
The white painted walls were paper thin. I pulled apart my toys, over and over again. Then I would stick them back together, then break them. It was fun to me.

"What is there to question?!" My mommy continued.
"A stranger broke into the house, assaulted me and my-" she stopped and sobbed slightly.
"Just leave the boy be! The poor thing has been through enough throughout his life!" She creamed at them. I could tell she was crying at this point. I want her to stop crying. I want her to be happy again.

"We just want to help Sage. We want to take him to a psychologist. His mental health is unstable" the policemen stated. There was a long silence, before it was broken by the sound of the door opening and closing, followed by a few farewells.

I slowly, twisted the plastic of the toy car, until it snapped. The door to my room slowly creaked open, revealing my mother, a fake smile hiding her true emotion of despair as she enetered.
"Hey, honey." She said quietly, shutting the door behind her with one hand behind her back.
"I have something for you" she said, kneeling down as I sat up and placed my toy down onto the carpet.

She revealed a stuffed bear with a name branded into it.
"This is Sebastian. He will protect you no matter where you are. Take good care of him for me, ok?" She asked. I took the bear, smiled, and nodded.
I stared into the cold, black eyes of Sebastian. You are the one toy I will not break.
I sat down at the dining table with Sebastian on the highchair next to me, with mommy sitting on the opposite side. For once, I felt as though I had a proper family. I talked to Sebastian as if I were talking to a sibling, or friend. Always offering him favours, and engaging in conversations with him.
Mommy seemed to like the way I talked to Sebastian, she smiled and laughed whenever she answered to him aswell.
I stabbed at my cucumber, not eating it.

I didn't like cucumber.

"Sage?" Mommy asked, resting her head on her hand. I looked up from my full plate that I had barely touched, up to her.
"How about...after you finish most of your dinner, we watch a movie with sebastian?". I perked up at her comment, and smiled, the boredom of a silent dinner almost vanishing instantly. I nodded my head vigorously, my chocolate coloured hair nearly falling in front of my vision.

I peered over to Sebastion. His mouthless expression was as emotionless as ever, but in my eyes showed the same excitement as I felt. Watching a movie together...as a family.

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