Chapter Four

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Lunch time. 

After going to the bathroom and rinsing my face a little, it was time for lunch, thank goodness.  I'd had enough of classes, even though I had only been through first period and part of second.

At first, I was scared to head into the cafeteria.  Probably every single person in there knew about my parents and our family issues.  I was not willing to go in there, where I'd be viewed of as a piece of vulnerable meat.

Quickly, I shot into the cafeteria and sat down at the round table in the very back, left hand side.  I nearly threw down my poor excuse of a meal and plopped down into a chair.  Depressed, I stared at my flimsy peanut butter sandwich, wishing that I could start crying again and that no one would see.  I hate my life.  I hate this school.  I hate my mom. I couldn't help but think.  I felt a few more hot tears well up in my eyes, but I managed to hold them back.

Someone suddenly sat down in the chair next to me.  Jake.  I looked up at him and glared through the shimmering tears in my eyes. 

"Hey," he said casually as he began eating his lunch.   "Do you feel like talking?" he asked.

I hesitantly shook my head, looking at him warily.  I didn't trust him, at least not yet.

"So, you're not deaf at all," Jake said, grinning.  I clenched my fists and set my jaw.  This guy was plain annoying and irritatingly hot at the same time.

"I have a nickname for you.  Wanna hear it?" he asked, sitting back in his chair.

I didn't reply, but kept on eating.

Jake grinned.  "The Anti-Socialist," he announced.  I gave him a confused look.  Anti-Socialist.....oh. I realized.  He was teasing me for my lack of socializing with others.  What the hell.  It wasn't my fault how people practically rejected me at every moment.

"Do ya like it?" he asked, nudging me playfully.  I wanted to dump the contents of my water bottle onto his head.  NO, I DON'T LIKE IT, YOU FUDGIN' IDIOT! my mind screamed at him.  Fire raced through my veins, and I took in a few deep breaths to extinguish the flames.  I hated nicknames, even 'Gracie' was a horrible nickname, unless used by Dad.  Heat waves began literally coming out from me.  I was pissed, and Jake wasn't the reason.

"Hey, don't get mad, please," Jake whispered, looking at me carefully.

I'm not mad at you... I wanted to whisper back.  

So far, Jake was the only person who had interacted with me in a nice, caring way.  Hard to admit, but I was grateful for that.  But I couldn't fully trust him.  Not yet, anyways, it was only the first day of school.  Who knows?  Maybe tomorrow Cecelia would get to him, and then he'd hate me.  Anything could happen, which is why I couldn't trust him just now.

Out of a paper bag, Jake pulled out his lunch, a cheeseburger.  Darn, it smelled really good.  I stared down at my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and immediately had some depressing thoughts.  Screw this.  I thought, taking another bite out of the sandwich.  Jake pulled out some fries and pushed them over to me.  Surprised and completely taken off guard, I glanced up at him.  Was he really letting me have some?  

"Go ahead," Jake said, answering my unspoken question.  Slowly, I reached for a fry.  I picked it up and examined it.  Well, it's not like he poisoned it or anything, Grace.  Just eat it! I thought.  I stuffed the fry in my mouth.  

Jake laughed.  "You look cute when you eat," he said softly.  I froze, heat racing up my neck and to my cheeks.  Was he being serious, or was he teasing?  A tiny part of me really didn't want to find out.  I chomped down on another fry, deciding to ignore his comment.

After about fifteen more minutes of complete silence, the teachers dismissed us.  I got up to throw away my junk and trash, when Jake's lips brushed against my left ear.  I immediately jumped away, and all my nerves were suddenly tingling.  I had the slight urge to either scream or punch Jake.  Before I could react, Jake was lost in the crowd.  Was that actually real, or did his lips accidentally touch me? I wondered.  But then again, people's lips don't just wander like that.  

I shook off the crazy thought and headed to my 5th period class, Computer.  After a mile of walking, I finally made it into the computer lab.  Of course, I was the last person to get into class.  Jake sat in the classroom, purposefully avoiding my gaze, it seemed.  What?  You give me a half-kiss, and then you ignore me?  This is screwed up.  I couldn't help but think.

"Grace, you're sitting by Joe over there," Mrs. Davis said, pointing to the empty chair to the right of Joe.  Oh shoot, no, please not by Joe....  I wanted to cry all over again.

Joe smirked as I carefully took a seat by him.  I squirmed away when he leaned in a little, a mischievous smile written all over his face.  No, please don't come any closer, please don't talk to me. I wanted to scream at him.

"How are ya, Gracie?" Joe asked, sneering.  I faced my computer, hardening my facial features, refusing to show weakness, although I was about to fall apart.

From across the room, I didn't notice how Jake was glaring at Joe.  It was only until Jake spoke up, did I know that there was a problem.

"Shut your face, Joe," Jake hissed. 

Joe whipped around, saw Jake, and nearly began laughing.  "Make me," he taunted.  Then, he did the most unexpected thing.  He grabbed my thigh.

I shrieked and immediately swatted him away.  My nerves were tingling all over, and I was on edge. For the first time ever, I reached out and slapped Joe.  How dare he invade my personal space? 

Jake's eyes widened, and he shot up.  "You did NOT do that," he nearly yelled.  Suddenly, his beautiful green eyes were a dark shade of brown.  Holy crud.... I thought, as Jake stormed over to where we were sitting.  Thank goodness Mrs. Davis was out of the room, or we'd all be in deep trouble.

Jake was suddenly towering over Joe.  He grabbed Joe by the collar and furiously yanked him out of his seat.   Cecelia and all of the other girls began drooling.  

My heart thudded wildly as the fight broke out.  "Joe, you really shouldn't have done that," Jake said, his gaze searing through Joe's vision.  Jake raised his fist and brought it down.  Joe grunted and fell to the floor.

I wanted to go the the corner of the room and hide, but unfortunately, some of Joe's friends were in the corner.  Jake's eyes met mine, and I warned him.  Don't, I signaled, my eyes flickering towards him.

Jake immediately frowned.  I could tell that he wanted the pleasure of beating Joe up.  I didn't want to deny him, I wanted revenge on Joe too, but this was school, and Mrs. Davis could walk in at any minute.

"Just this once, I'll spare you," Jake muttered darkly, his pupils dilating with anger.

Joe wiped the blood from his nose, glaring back.  "You too chicken to fight right now?" he asked tauntingly.

Jake balled his fists, and I shot him another warning look.  "I'll take you later," Jake snarled.

Joe's eye twitched, but he sat down.  Promptly, Mrs. Davis walked in.

"Joe, honey, why is your nose bleeding?" she asked, immediately noticing Joe's red-colored nose.

"I accidentally hit it on the door," Joe replied quietly after a moment of hesitation.

From across the room, Cecelia and her little posse looked disappointed that there wasn't a heated fight between the two hottest guys in the school.

I caught Jake's eye across the room.  I nodded towards him, and did the most unexpected thing.  I smiled at someone in school for the first time in three years.  Jake smiled back, and his dark eyes returned to their normal shade of a briliant, friendly green.



Hey guys!  So, if you like it, please vote!  And comment if you have any suggestions!  Hey, I just might dedicate the next chapter for ya.  ;)


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