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That evening Harry sat with his phone open on Louis' contact.

He wanted to send him something, just to start a conversation, but he didn't know what. He was also so self-conscious of how his text would come across.

If he just sent 'Hi' would it remind him of being on chatrooms when they were in year 7 and if he sent 'Hello' would he come across as too formal?

He then started to become annoyed at himself for over complicating it. It was a text. A stupid 2p text. And he was a fully grown man. With a child.

Oh yeah..

Harry glance up at the time.


"Shit." Harry whispered. He normally had dinner on the table by now but he hadn't even started it.

H chucked his phone into one of the cushions on the sofa that he was sat on and went into the kitchen to try and find something to make for dinner.

"Dori!?" Harry shouted out in the direction of her play room.

It used to be the dining room but Harry was fed up of her room being a mess and they never used the dining room so they moved the table into the kitchen and then made the dining room all pretty for Dorothy.

"Yes daddy?" She called back while running in to find Harry crouched down rummaging through a very empty freezer.

"How's about getting a Chinese takeaway for dinner?" Harry asked the little girl with a flower crown atop of her head and her favourite pink sleeping beauty dress on.

"Ooo! Yes please, Daddy!" She was excited as they hardly ever had Chinese. Harry always saved it for special events like their birthdays or when one of them does especially good in school or work.

"Okay then my lovely. Go put some shoes on and I'll just grab my wallet." Dori ran out of the kitchen and towards the porch while Harry ran around the house trying to find his wallet and keys.

"Dorothy have you seem my keys?" He called and she came into the living room, where her daddy was searching behind the sofa for his belongings.

"They're here daddy." She deadpanned with the keys and wallet in her hands. Only one of her Ugg boots on.

He got up and smiled down at her before crouching down to her level. "Thank you. Where were they?"

"In the bowl as normal daddy!" She rolled her eyes before trudging back to the porch to put her other boot on. Harry simply shook his head at how Eric said the same thing to him countless times while he was alive.

He would have been proud.

Harry joined her in putting his shoes on before they left the house and got into the car.

When they pulled up into the parade of shops Harry, as normal, had a look in the shop to see how busy it was. Luckily it only had one family in there. Unfortunately Harry saw it was Louis and his boys.

"Are you sure you want Chinese? We can get a pizza if you want." He pointed out the Pizza Hut that was just next to the Chinese to her in hopes he wouldn't have to run into Louis.

"No daddy. I want Chinese." She giggled thinking he was joking.

"Okay." He took a breath. "Let's go get some dinner." Harry got out then helped Dorothy out of the car and they strolled up to the shop.

When Harry opened the door for Dorothy and she instantly spotted and ran up to Westly and Oscar.

"Well, fancy seeing you here Mr Styles." Louis smiled at him which he found welcoming.

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