Chapter 46

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[ S K Y ]

We were helping Louis with the wedding arrangements. 1 week left till his wedding, I was too excited. This is the first time I've seen Louis so in love, and his girlfriend, and now fiancee, has been with him since..well, since Elli was born.

I could see Harry standing two feet away, talking to his friend. He has Elli in his arms, who was looking at me and waving. I waved back, as I watched her wriggle out of her dad's grip and walk over to me.

"Mommy!" She smiled.

"El." I weakly smiled as Louis and his fiancee exchanged glances.

"What's yooour name?" Elli turned to her.

"Alexis. Call me Lexi." Lexi pinched Elli's cheek lightly as Louis wrapped his arm around her neck. Harry glared at us from far off as I let a tear leave my eye. Harry always had this effect on me.


It was late at night as I sneaked out for a walk. We all were in Miami for the wedding, and living in this big hotel, but even a comfortable bed wasn't enought to put me to sleep.

I saw Harry sitting on the sand, facing the sea. As I walked closer, I heard his sob, almost quietly. I walked over to him and sat beside him.

Even after what had happened, I couldn't bear seeing him like this.

"What do you want?" He asked, quickly wiping away tears and looking away.

I didn't answer. I just stupidly stared at him. "Harry, why are you crying?" I asked, gulping down the lump forming in my throat.

"None of your business."

"Harry, please. I should be the one hating you, not the other way round."

"I don't hate you, Sky." He firmly said, looking into my eyes. It sent me into some sort of trance.

"Then why.." I said. I would start crying any moment.

"Look... I don't wanna talk about it. Sky, why are you even talking to me? I thought you didn't wanna see my face anymore."

I shook my head, looking down. "It's been so long since we talked."


"Since..since Ed's death."

Harry began crying even more, as I patted his back. He looked at me, smiling.

"I am going back now, Harry. Goodnight. I smiled."

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