Chapter 1

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Courtney pulled the sweater tighter around her torso as she stepped outside. She shut the door quietly, carefully not to wake her bunkmates. 
The moon light her way down to the small lake. The noise of the crickets were keeping her company until she reached the water. She stared into the distance thoughtfully.
"Are you ok?"
Courtney jumped, screaming and nearly falling into the water. She reopened her eyes to see Lasercorn standing in front of her, laughing giddily.
"You're such a baby!"
"I know!" She grunted and folded her arms.
"But, for real Courtney, are you ok?" Lasercorn stepped closer, waiting for her answer.
"Y-Yeah. I mean, look where we are. How could I possibly complain?"
The older man smirked in agreement.
They stood in a comfortable silence until Lasercorn asked another question,"Why are you out here?"
"Why are you?"
He shrugged,"I miss Brina and Tyler."
"Shut up. Tell me what's wrong with you."
Courtney sighed,"I...I have a problem, a really childlike problem."
"So you do have a crush on Anthony!" He shouted,"I knew it!"
Courtney groaned,"Is it that obvious?"
Lasercorn just smiled, looking beyond Courtney. She followed his gaze and saw a tall silhouette making its way towards the lake.
"Ever since his break-up with Meil he'd be really depressed," Lasercorn said,"That's probably why he's coming down here."
"I guess this is where the lonely people go."
Lasercorn patted Courtney's shoulder,"I'm going to bed. Go get 'em, tiger."

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