Chapter 2

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Lasercorn smiled as Courtney walked over to Anthony. As much as he wanted to stay and eavesdrop, he knew he had to get back to bed.
With one final glance, he started on his way back to the cabin.

Anthony smirked when he saw Courtney,"Hi."
"What were you doing with Lasercorn?" He asked, sticking his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.
"Oh, we were just talking. He came down here because he misses Brina and Tyler."
"Aw, how cute."
"That's what I said!" Courtney exclaimed.
Anthony but his lip,"What about you?"
Courtney sighed, contemplating her answer,"You know, I was just thinking."
"For a really good actor you're a really bad lair." Anthony stated, moving to sit on the ground.
"Yeah," Courtney plopped next to him on the grass,"I guess...I have a lot on my mind, ok?"
He chuckled,"Why are you getting so defensive?"
"I'm just tired, I guess."
"Then go to bed."
"Shut up!" Courtney laughed, slightly pushing him with her hand, but she didn't expect for Anthony to retaliate. He swiftly grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the cool ground, pinning her hands above her head. He was inches from her mouth.
They've been close to each other before. They had acted like a couple time and time again, but this was different.
Courtney's breath hitched once she realized how they were positioned. She gulped, waiting for Anthony to do something.
He broke up with Meil about a month ago...Courtney remembered that night clearly. Ian called her in a panic, asking her to come over and help console Anthony.
Courtney had been a rebound before, and she didn't want that again. If she and Anthony were to begin something, it had to be real. It had to last.
Anthony's eyes scanned her thoughtfully,"I...I would like to kiss you, now."
"...Ok," Courtney squeaked, positive she sounded like a child. She was positive nothing good would come from this, and that it could possibly destroy the friendship they had built.
But, when Anthony's lips touched hers, none of that mattered.

Lasercorn gasped.
He meant go to back to his room, but he thought he left his jacket at the pond. He didn't mean to spy, but....This was the good stuff! Nothing this exciting had happened since he caught Mari and Sohinki making out in a closet six months ago.
He carefully walked in the other direction, carefully not to make any noise. By the time he reached his bunk, he had come to a simple conclusion.
Lasercorn wouldn't tell anyone, but that wouldn't stop him from messing
with them.

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