Chapter 4

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Courtney went back to the little pond. She sighed and sat on the ground,"This can't be happening," she groaned.
She just wanted things to be back to normal. She's rather be pining for Anthony instead of hurting him like this. This job was amazing, and she couldn't let Anthony lose it for her.
But Courtney couldn't sit and pity herself. So she got up and went to play pain pong.

After the shoot, when everyone, expect her and Flitz, when complaining about their welts.
Courtney let herself laugh as Anthony whined.
"You're being a baby," she giggled.
"Shut up! You can't say anything because you didn't play!" He responded.
"Whatever," she scoffed, turning away.
Anthony grunted. He was frustrated and tired, and Courtney wasn't making any sense. She left him kiss her, but then decided to forget it happened. Games were not something he wanted.
"What's your problem?"
"What?" Courtney looked back.
He grimaced and pulled her closer,"You can't act like nothing happened," he whispered.
"Yes, I can. Because Mari and Sohinki nearly lost their jobs when they started dating. I can't do that to you!"
"No, Courtney. You can't do that to yourself." He stared at her, waiting for a response. Instead of speaking, she stormed into the cafeteria, and he followed.
"Go away, Anthony!"
"We need to figure this out!"
"No! Because then it's real and real things end. People break up and they leave you behind." Courtney was crying at this point.
There was a open container of last nights mashed potatoes sitting on the table.
"I won't do that!" Anthony yelled, "Do you really think I'm that kind of person?!"
"What if it's me?!"
"Stop being such a girl! Seriously, is it that time of the month?!"
Courtney gasped. She wanted to yell and curse, but instead she dipped her hand into the mashed potatoes and pulled out a handful. She smiled sweetly and smeared the substance on his face.
"Are you kidding me?!" He grabbed the container and tossed the remains substance at her.
Courtney screamed in shock. Joven and Lasercorn came running.
"What's going on?" Lasercorn exclaimed, quickly moving to Courtney. "Are you ok?" He asked, trying to figure why they were covered in mashed potatoes.
"No, I'm not, because Anthony is a douchebag."
"You'd started it!"
"That doesn't matter," Joven mumbled.
"Hey!" Lasercorn yelled, "Courtney, stop being dramatic. Anthony, stop being a douchebag. Now both of you go clean up and then we'll talk about because we're adults."
"I agree," Joe called from the doorway with Matt and Sunny by his side. Ian and Mari were peaking other there shoulders, and more people began showing up.
Courtney grunted and headed towards the doors. Anthony shook his head and left the other way. Joven and Lasercorn looked at each other.
"I'll talk to Courtney," Mari volunteered.
"I got Anthony," Ian said.
Lasercorn sighed. This was not the fun that he wanted.

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