Chapter 1

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Chapter one.
Today had been three months since Amethyst betrayed the academy. Today was also a very special day for Selena. But only Chase and Bree knew what today was. Selena didn't want everyone to know that today was her birthday. She was still slightly recovering from when Amethyst shot her in the chest. Most days it was fine, but like today, it was painful and she got days like this off from being a mentor. She was resting on the couch beside her capsule when she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." Selena said gently sitting up.
It was Chase and he was holding a small cupcake and a present.
"Happy birthday Selena." Chase said.
Selena put her head on the pillow and held in a scream. Her chest was killing her. Chase put the cupcake and present down on the coffee table and went to her.
"Selena! Are you ok?!" Chase yelled.
She shook her head.
"Is it your chest? Do I need to get Mr. Davenport?" Chase asked.
Selena nodded.
Chase ran out of the room and got Mr. Davenport.
"Selena look at me, breathe. Ok?" Mr. Davenport asked.
Selena nodded and started taking really deep breaths.
"Ok. She's gonna be ok. Just keep a eye on her Chase." Mr. Davenport instructed.
Chase nodded and Mr. Davenport left the room.
"I'm guessing that you won't be able to eat this cupcake now." Chase said with a smirk.
"That is my cupcake, Chase William Davenport!" Selena yelled snatching the cupcake out of his hands.
"Note to self. Never take Selena's food." Chase said.
"You got that right." Selena said.
Chase pulled out a match and lit the single candle on top.
"Make a wish." Chase said.
"Ok, even Bob doesn't believe in that." Selena said.
"Just do it." Chase said.
Selena blew out the candle, pulled it off and started eating the cupcake.
"What did you wish for?" Chase asked.
"I can't tell you or it won't come true." Selena said.
"Two seconds ago you didn't believe in making a wish on your birthday candles and now you do?" Chase asked.
"Exactly." Selena said.
"Here." Chase said handing her the small box.
Selena gently opened it and pulled out a locket.
"Chase it's beautiful. Thank you." Selena said.
"I thought you would like it. Look in the middle. Emerald, your birthstone." Chase said.
Selena looked and right in the middle was a little emerald green jewel.
"It's so beautiful." Selena said.
Chase helped her put it on.
"Now you just need a picture." Chase said.
"Yep." Selena said.
Chase leaned forward and kissed Selena. Most of the time it was vice versa. But Selena and Chase both loved every single second of it.
Gisele's hideout.
"Are my bionics almost done charging? It's been three days." Amethyst whined.
"You have been without a capsule for three months, it's gonna take awhile." Gisele explained.
"Your a tech wiz, can't you speed it up?" Amethyst asked.
"Do you want your bionics to be permanently damaged? Then no, I can't." Gisele said.
"Fine. What's the plan?" Amethyst asked.
"You want Chase? I want his chip, but I don't want my partner to lose her boyfriend. So you are gonna take this nueroscrambler and erase enough of Chase's memory to make him think he's your boyfriend. Then you'll go and get the schematics for his chip from Davenport's computer. After all, Chase knows the password and you can say that you need to get something off Mr. Davenport's computer for Douglas and he forgot to tell you the password. Simple." Gisele explained.
"How did you get a nueroscrambler?" Amethyst asked.
"I copied Davenport's design and made my own." Gisele said.
"Also, according to the academy, I'm a criminal. I can't get in without the hydra loop shutting down or a alarm going off." Amethyst said.
"That's why you will be wearing a cyber mask." Gisele said.
"Who exactly am I gonna pretend to be?" Amethyst asked.
"Donald Davenport." Gisele said.
"Eww, no way!" Amethyst yelled.
"Would you rather be the fat security guard lady? Or maybe no revenge at all? I can easily throw you out and kill Chase to get his chip." Gisele said.
"I'll take Davenport." Amethyst said.
"Ok. Your bionics are done charging." Gisele said.
Amethyst pulled the cord out of her neck that was charging her bionics and picked up the cyber mask. She clicked the button and her body and face morfed into the 40 year old tech mogul.
"Revenge is just around the corner." Gisele said.
"Eww, how much hair gel can this guy use!?" Amethyst yelled in Davenport's voice.

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