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A Dark mare stood in a field grazing as a young little Filly almost a twin to the mare was running around and didn't look like she was stopping anytime soon the mare looked at her daughter as she ran around the fence paddock and laughed a little when the mare saw a trailer come in and her racing saddle get put in side part of it she called her daughter over the little filly ears precked up and she ran over to her mother

Are you having fun?

Yeah it lots of fun out here momma the filly answered

Well I'm glade but do you think you can have fun without me around

What where you going momma

Mommy got a race to go to that's all but I will be back in a couple of weeks two three at the latest

But you will be back right

I promise I will and we can race each other okay

You promises

I promise now why don't you fallow me to the opening the filly fallowed her dark mother all the way to a young man who had a halter and a lead and put it on the filly mother

Good girl Ruffian you got to stay here ribbon okay the man sad closing the gate

before the mother entered the trailer after having her blanket and safety boots on she called out to her little filly the filly reposed and watched as the trailer doors closed and drove off with her mother in side but little did the two both know that it would be the last time they would both see each other due to the mother Ruffian having a bad fall in a match race against the filly father the filly would wait the two to three weeks for her mother but when the trailer returned the filly ran to the edge of the fence but no horse came out her mother was not there where was she was the only thing on the filly mind soon almost a whole year pasted when the filly had found out her mother had passed away she losted her running spirit for a long time and soon she was sold to a farm by the name of The Racing Chance where her real Racing Journey beginnings

The daughter Of Ruffian ( A Race Horse Story )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora