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Sarah Pov

I was at my desk flipping through papers when I looked at a picture on my mom's old fire place it was of me and my best friend growing up with horses Penny her mother ad just pasted away and I couldn't make it to the furrnal due to trainer hunting for Ribbon and name hunting as well I bit my lip and pull up my phone and my mom's old number book and found the meadow and I called the number

"Hello Meadow racing stables this is Miss.Ham speaking."

"Hello Miss Ham it's Sarah Connor."

"Oh Sarah it so good to hear you voice we missed you at the furnal."

"I wanted to go but I had a meeting I couldn't get out of."

"It's alright dear oh Penny is out watching the new Colt right now I can go get her if you want to talk to her."

"No no no I think I might stop by and surprise her!"

"Okay dear later today."

"Tomorrow Moring in I got a filly myself I have to look after she means a lot to me and I want to check up on her."

"Okay dear see you tomorrow."

"Bye Miss Ham."

"Bye Sarah."

I hung up the sun was pretty much set I walked out of my house erek had gone home he was only 18 but he was the best jockey to have ever ride Ribbon and I would not change it Dannie brother most have picked her up seeing she wasn't anywhere to be seen and the stall that the horses she took care of where clean I saw Thunder in his Stall eating I looked at Champ he was fast asleep than Ribbon was in between them she popped her head out

"Hey girl." I said patting her head her eyes closed as I did so "You had a good run today I know you miss running with Thunder but I am looking for a new racing partner for you okay."

She opened her eyes and looked right at me before letting out a little nicker as of saying she understood

"I'm going to let you sleep okay see you tomorrow."

Third person

the next day after Sarah made sure everything was running right she got in her old pickup truck and drove to where she spent part of her child hood The Meadow racing stables she smiled as she read the sign as she pulled into the drive way she drove down the long dirt driveway and looked at the horses that where in the field when she spotted a big red colt he must be the colt Miss Ham was talking about Sarah thought as she came to a stop she saw a blonde watching the colt an older man beside her Sarah smiled at the blond knowing it was Penny her best friend growing up so she got out of the truck slammed the door shut Miss Ham waved at Sarah from the house Penny still had no idea Sarah was there so Sarah walked up and stood beside her

"He a looker he must be you coin toss Colt." Sarah said looking at Penny

"Yes that he is Sarah."

Sarah smiled letting it set in Penny looked at her and gave her a hug

"What on earth are you're doing here Sarah?" asked Penny

"Wow no I missed you Sarah it been forever since I see ou how are doing just what on earth are you doing here Sarah."

Penny smiled at her old fiend as she joked

"I called Miss Ham last night wanted to see you since I heard you were running the stable."
"Well it great to see you Sarah want to get some lunch and catch up than." Said penny
"Sounds good pen."
The two got into Sarah truck and drove to a nice little cafe to eat and catch up they say in a booth by a window
"So how's everything holding up I heard business been slow for you?" Asked penny as she looked to her old friend
"It's been slow but I know I got a filly that can run just needs a good trainer what about you you keep thing the stable?"
I am keeping it I know red can run and he loves it and my dad wants him to race so I'm racing him."
"That's good u start training him yet."
"No not really we found a young jockey to race him though and they been running around the track down the road."
"Well if you want you can use my track free."

"Sarah I don't want to take track time you can get people to bay for."

" I was thinking we could make a deal Pen I got a filly about your red colt age and her old training partner can't keep up with her now and it might help Red if he has a other horse to race to get used to it you know." Sarah said before taking a drink out of her cup

"Hmm when do we start?"


Hey reader i jsut wantedd to point out real quick is that i am not the best speller in the orld so i am sorry for mispelled word wrong i try my best to edit my chapters before I publish them for you guys/girls to read so thats all i wanted to ay so i hope you are enjoying the book

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