Chapter Three

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"This is stupid," Amber muttered to herself as she walked into the empty gym. Right now was the first period of the day, so there was no one there.

"Alright let's get this over with. I'll activate the mirror ball's retractor," Sage said walking over to a locked device pinned to the wall. Typing in a code she had memorized from watching the teachers, the device unlocked and the roof opened and a giant metal ball came down about six feet from the ceiling.

Amber and Hothead walked underneath the giant globe whilst pushing what looked to be every single mat in the whole gym stacked on top of each other and waited. It was a good thing the holoforms were advanced enough to transfer some of a Cybertronian's actual strength. Sage and Icy went inside the teacher's office and she looked around for a while. Icy stood by the door as she rummaged through the desk for something.

Eventually, she found what looked to be a set of keys and opened up a metal box attached to a nearby wall. Inside were different switches linked together by wires disappearing into the wall. She skimmed over all of them before finding the one she apparently wanted.

"This is the mirror ball lock. Once I turn it off, the ball will fall onto the mats. If I'm correct, they will lessen the fall, but you still have to catch it when it inevitably rolls off," Sage warned, fear in her eyes.

The mirror ball was about five and a half feet long, tall, wide, and extremely heavy. Amber and Hothead were going to try and support it after it fell. Sage didn't think it was a good idea, but Random and Simmer thought it was crazy enough to try while Hothead and Amber didn't have any other ideas. Icy didn't give his opinion but it was still two against four.

"Come on Sage! The crazy twins can't keep them busy forever!" Amber shouted, reminding Sage that they only had about another five minutes for this to work before Simmer and Random couldn't distract the gym teachers anymore by running around the school playing "tag".

Sage deactivated the magnetic lock and the ball began its sudden descent. Sage ran behind Icy, much to his surprise, and closed her eyes and ears. Icy watched while the mirror ball fell and shockingly enough, the mats did properly support the fall with a loud CLANG. Hothead and Amber caught it as it quickly slipped off the mats, though it quite literally almost crushed them.

"Did they..." Sage muttered from behind him.

"Zhey are fine. Jou can come out now," Icy whispered to her.

Sage peeked out cautiously in case something had indeed happened. Amber and Hothead slowly put the mirror ball on the ground and stood up straight.

"So," Amber started while stretching her limbs, "how are we gonna get this thing outta here?"

"Zhat part is easy. Now ve go back into our robot mode and grab it!" Hothead exclaimed, giving her a toothy grin.

"So... destroy the gym wall?" Amber asked smiling as well and crossed her arms, pretending to look thoughtful, "Always hated that class. Nothing new to learn."

Hothead chuckled slightly and gestured to Icy, "So let's go. Ve need to grab Random and get back to our body."

Icy merely nodded and ran out with Hothead, leaving Sage and Amber to "guard" the mirror ball.


Icy, Hothead, and Random ran back to their robotic body and, to their relief, found it right where it was left. Icy deactivated their holoforms, and they became one con again.

"Alvight! Let's get zhat ball AHAHAHAH!" Random cackled since he was currently in control and they ran toward the part of the school that was the gym.

He punched a hole in the wall big enough for his servo, but the impact shook the gym roof violently. It looked like it would crash down on them, and several parts of ceiling did collapse. But overall, it kept its shape. He spotted Amber growling at the teachers while Simmer teased them and Sage just sat calmly, yet her eyes were wild with anxiety.

Everyone in the gym looked over to the servo reaching into the room and watched as it grabbed the ball carefully.

"Yay!" Simmer cheered jumping up and down. Sage looked relieved and even Amber smiled slightly that they had succeeded. But even Blitzwing knew better than that. Their new 'allies' would most likely get in very serious trouble. So with his other hand, Blitzwing reached in and held out his servo for them to jump on.

Simmer beamed up at him and without hesitation, jumped aboard hugging his large digit. Amber looked from the teachers to Blitzwing and shrugged, climbing on as well. Sage was the most hesitant. She took a step towards Blitzwing when one of the adults said, "You're smarter than this, Sage."

Sage glanced back to the teacher that spoke, clearly taking what she said to heart. Blitzwing's face spun around to Icy and he stated, "Jou don't have to come."

"W-will my sisters... will we be safe I go?" Sage practically whispered.

Blitzwing nodded then smiled knowingly, "I can teach jou about some of our tech as vell, if jou want."

Sage's head suddenly snapped up in interest and with that, she slowly climbed onto Blitzwing's hand and waved good-bye to the other humans, who just stared in shock. Blitzwing activated his thrusters and took off with Simmer squealing excitedly. Sage put on her goggles for protection as Amber stood up and peered over the edge of Blitzwing's servo down onto the ground below. Sage just sat quietly in the crook of Blitzwing's digits looking thoughtful. But she smiled when Simmer hugged her suddenly and started dancing up and down on the leather pad of his palm to cheer her up. Amber rolled her eyes and her gaze settled on something in the distance.

"Uh... Aren't those the Autobots?" Amber asked and pointed to five vehicles driving toward the school they had recently left.

"Most likely," Icy confirmed.

"Shouldn't you do something?" Amber asked again looking at him.

"No. Lord Megatron told us to avoid ze Autobots because zhey might break ze objective," Icy replied, glancing over to the mirror ball. "Ve vill get zhis to Lord Megatron and drop jou femmes off before taking on ze Autobots."

"Fine," Amber mumbled before watching the scenery again.

A couple of minutes later, Simmer walked up to Amber and watched with her. Sage sighed as she watched the usually arguing sisters stand next to each other peacefully. Unbeknownst to everyone else, it was easy on the mind for Sage to not have to worry about her siblings fighting or getting in trouble when she wasn't looking. So she smiled and leaned onto Blitzwing's digit and pulled her hair tie off, enjoying the fresh air. She didn't notice Icy's gaze center on her as her long black hair waved gently in the air and the blue streak slicing through the middle, adding a nice contrast. Sage had fallen into a doze in Blitzwing's servo with her hands folded in her lap. Seeing her and the other femmes so peaceful made Blitzwing relax as well, both Hothead and Random staying silent inside their shared helm as they flew back to base.

TFA Blitzwing x My Human Oc'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang