Chapter Four - Icy Love

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Blitzwing landed on the flight deck of the Decepticon base with a thump and Sage jerked awake, surprised by the sudden movement. Amber and Simmer were already awake and they climbed down Blitzwing's plating onto the ground. Sage took off her goggles as she followed her siblings onto the floor. The triplets followed Blitzwing into another room and when they got there, they saw the biggest robot they've ever seen. He was red and gray with a giant black arm cannon on his right arm.

"Blitzwing, did you retrieve the objective?" the robot boomed.

"Yes, my liege. But I vas...delayed," Blitzwing answered glancing down to the three little humans next to him.

The giant robot looked over to the triplets and narrowed his eyes.

"Why have you brought humans with you, Blitzwing?" the robot asked, not taking his gaze off of them.

"Zhey helped me secure ze object Lord Megatron. And zhey seem to be knowledgeable of the Autobots, so I...brought zhem along," Blitzwing lied. He wasn't about to tell Lord Megatron he brought humans to the base just because he liked them.

Lord Megatron narrowed his optics as the three femmes looked at him expectantly. So he reached down and swiftly picked up Sage, much to the surprise of the others. Sage yelped as she was brought mid-air and eye-level to the giant robot. She tried fighting to get away, but she wasn't as strong as her sisters so she gave in like a limp rag-doll. She could hear her sisters kick up a racket from the floor as they yelled at the Cybertronian to release her. Her eyes met Megatron's as he examined her puny body, seemingly focused on her little helmet and goggles. Sage hid her fear behind a wall of ice as she gazed back at him calmly. Quivering on the inside, Sage was put back on the ground roughly. Lord Megatron took the mirror ball from Blitzwing afterward and stated this as he walked away. "You may keep those human pets. But only you will look after them, Blitzwing. No other Decepticon will get wrapped up in your nonsense."

Now that Lord Megatron had left the room, Sage stood shakily, stunned by what had occurred. Blitzwing reached down and picked up all three girls in one hand. Icy was still in control, amazingly, and he glanced down at Sage who was now slightly trembling. He brought down his digit to cover her lightly and she hugged it tightly, letting its warmth seep into her. Amber and Simmer rushed over and started asking if she was ok. Sage just nodded and managed a smile as they kneeled next to her.

Blitzwing walked back to his quarters with Sage, Amber, and Simmer in his hands and gently placed them on one of the tables. He managed to calm himself down from the previous experience before he lay on his berth and activated their holoforms to join the girls on the table.

"Ayyye! Simmer!" Random laughed as Simmer jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

Amber facepalmed while Sage just sighed and shrugged with a look that said, 'Couldn't stop 'em if ya wanted to.'

Hothead grinned and mentioned, "Hey, Amber. Never got to finish fighting brunette."

Amber growled and tackled him as they very quickly began to grapple each other on the floor while shouting insults wildly.

"Shouldn't we...?" Sage asked, looking over to Icy.

"No. Let zhem have at it. Hopefully, zhey vill tire zhemselves out and stay quiet," Icy muttered.

Sage chuckled a little at the comment and watched her sister and Hothead beat the shit out of each other. Sorry for the language, but that's what was happening. She couldn't help but wince every time a hit met its mark, but couldn't pull her eyes away until Icy grabbed her hand and turned her away from the fighting since she obviously didn't want to watch it. Sage breathed lightly as they watched the sky through the skylight in Blitzwing's room.

Simmer and Random were watching Hothead and Amber and were cheering loudly for their side.

"Amber is winning this Random! No questions asked!" Simmer shouted jumping and down.

"Nein. Hothead is vinning zhis! He's ze strongest AHAHAHAH!" Random shouted back laughing.

"Will/Vill you/jou two be quiet!" Amber and Hothead shouted at the same time. They got off each other and simultaneously began chasing their crazy siblings instead.

Icy and Sage whipped around and began to laugh as Random drove Hothead into the wall. Growling, Amber caught Simmer but she just lay limp before flicking her in the face causing Icy and Sage to laugh even harder, seeing their "tough guy" siblings get beat by a bunch of lunatics.

This went on for the whole day of them hanging on the desk before it started to get dark and most went to sleep.


Icy sat up and gazed at Sage. She was dozing lightly on the desk and her black ponytail stuck out from behind her. Hothead and Amber, who were originally chasing Random and Simmer, fell asleep together in the corner with Amber leaning on Hothead's shoulder. Random and Simmer were curled next to each other nearby as well. Icy was the only one fully awake. He chuckled slightly in amusement at the sight of his brothers snuggling with humans and leaped down the table onto the ground. Entering a small room connecting to this, he found a bunch of what the humans called blankets that Random had wanted for unknown reasons. Icy grabbed the blankets and climbed back up the table. He placed one over Hothead and Amber and one over Random and Simmer, trying not to wake them. He then placed one over Sage and started to walk away when she woke up.

"Icy?" she yawned.

"Yes?" Icy replied, turning.

"Where ya going?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

Icy smiled warmly and answered, "Novhere."

He walked back and sat next to her on the edge of the desk. The stars were coming out and Icy had a feeling that his fellow Decepticons were most likely in recharge right now, and he was fairly tired himself. He was gazing at the stars when something shot over his head. Startled back to reality, Icy realized it was a light blue blanket, that was actually really soft. He pulled it off his head and saw Sage smiling at him. He sighed as lay back with the blanket over him and Sage sitting next to him. She eventually decided to lay down as well, shifting to get comfortable.

"Vhy zon't jou take of jour helmet? Zhat might work," Icy suggested.

"I don't usually take off my helmet. Sometimes I do, most times I don't. Not too sure why," Sage answered.

"But jou took it off vhen jou vere sitting in my hand," Icy replied.

Sage sighed and hesitated before answering, "Fine. But if I take off my helmet, you take off your hat. It covers your hair."

Icy looked at Sage and mumbled, "Alvight."

Sage sat up and slipped off her beige and blue helmet and her hair spread across her shoulders and back. It was pretty long. Her hair reached down to the middle of her back with a light blue streak running through the middle all the way to the bottom. She was beautiful. Her dark blue eyes shone as the stars from the skylight shined down on her.

"Icy," Sage said, snapping him back to reality. "Your turn."

Icy sighed as he sat up as well and pulled off the hat and flap that covered the rest of his hair. It was an icy white, contrasting nicely with his light blue eyes. You could see it clearly in the dark and the stars made it brighter as he leaned into the light.

Sage's eyes widened in shock before smiling and commented before ruffling his hair, "It looks great. Like freshly fallen snow, and soft too. You should take your hat off more often."

Icy found himself blushing slightly as Sage rubbed his hair gently.

"T-Thank you, Sage," Icy muttered before lying back down, much more comfortable with his hat off.

The two stared at the stars for a while before Sage started to doze in Icy's arms. He watched as her breaths became shallow, showing signs she was asleep. He tucked her into one of the blankets before falling asleep next to her as well.  

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