Chapter Five - Hotheaded Admiration

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Blitzwing was flying over Detroit right now, tracking an Allspark fragment. Icy scanned the ground for any signs of the Autobots encase they had reached it first.

"How are ve supposed to find zhat tiny Allspark fragment in zhis city?" Icy mumbled to himself.

He switched to Random and cackled, "Ve could alvays, blow up ze state AHAHAHAH! Zhen ve'd find it!"

"Zhen ve'd blow up za others as vell," Icy commented after regaining control.

"Ooh! Jou mean jour little femme Sage?! AHAHAHAH!" Random cackled in their shared helm, causing Icy to blush mildly.

"Vell, jou like Simmer," he countered.

"Ja ja. And Hothead likes Amber AHAHAHAH!" Random cackled once more.

"I do not!" Hothead retorted viciously.

"Right..." Icy and Random smirked at the exact same time.

Hothead blushed ever so slightly with a scowl in their helm, which didn't go unnoticed by Random.

"Somevnes blushing!" he laughed.

"Shut up before I turn jou into sheet metal!" Hothead threatened.

"Jou can't! Ve are vne con remember AHAHAHAH!" Random pointed out cackling.

Hothead proceeded to curse in Cybertronian every single curse word he knew.

"Watch jour language," Icy huffed coolly, though not really caring too much. He's been stuck with Hothead long enough to be used to it.

"Make me!" Hothead snapped.

Icy sighed and rolled his optics and got back to watching for Autobots. He soon spotted them heading the same direction he was. "Slag."

"Vhat vhere jou saying about language?" Hothead grinned cheekily.

"Oh, be quiet," Icy growled slightly before flying down towards the Autobots. "Zhey know about ze Allspark fragment. Shall ve take zhem out brothers?"

Random cackled excitedly after taking control. "Of course, Icy! Hothead?"

"Ze vne zhing ve can agree on!" Hothead laughed after being the next one to take control and transformed into their bot mode and landing in the Autobots way. "Hello, Autobots!"


Back at base, the triplets were hanging out in Blitzwing's quarters. Sage was leaned up against the wall the table they stood on was against while watching Amber and Simmer going about their daily bickering. Well, at least Amber was bickering. Simmer was having fun.

"For the last time, I do not like Hothead! He's a jerk!" Amber growled at Simmer as she did a handstand.

"Yeah. Sure ya don't," Simmer grinned cutely before flipping back onto her feet perfectly. "But I bet Hothead likes you!"

Amber scoffed. "As if! He's a robot, we're human! You shouldn't like that crazy one either! He's insane!!"

"And like me! I love him HAHA!" Simmer cheered before doing a cartwheel. "He's funny, cute, and crazy! Like meeeeee!"

Sage sighed and rolled her eyes. "Will both of you be quiet for three minutes. I can't hear myself think."

"About what? Icy?" Simmer laughed, and even Amber grinned, "Yeah Sage. You two were so cute next to each other last night."

The comment caused Sage's face to heat up drastically. "Oh, yea? Says the one who was asleep against Hothead's shoulder!"

Amber's eyes widened with a blush before growling, "Not my fault! He pulled me!"

"So what? I got pics~!" Simmer giggled, looking at her phone. With pictures of both Sage-x-Icy and Amber-x-Hothead.

"SIMMER!!" Both Amber and Sage shouted with a huge blush and tackled their sister, each trying to get the phone.

Simmer merely laughed and kept it out of their reach. "Na-ah! Mine!"

Sage soon gave up while Amber was still fighting for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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