Chapter 1: Roots

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I just got off the airplane. It's been thirteen years since I last set foot on Japan. I remember we first had to leave because my Dad had gotten a new job in America. My older siblings seemed exited to go to America. My older brother Daichi-san was really looking forward to meeting and I quote "American hotties". My sister Nami-sama was happy that we were moving to Denver because coincidentally her boyfriend, whom she met online, lived there aswell.

I on the other hand wasn't as exited as them. I mean it wasn't like I was gonna leave anyone behind or anything. Well maybe this one kid who lived across the street who I used to play with. I have really good memories of him. But it was so long ago that I can't remember his name. But the main reason I didn't want to go was because this was my home. This was were I grew up. It was also one of the reasons I wanted to come back.

I actually came back to study in the Japan National University of Arts. My parents knew that it was my dream to go back and study there. They supported my decision even though it would hurt them to see another one of their children leave. Since my brother had enrolled in the navy and my sister got married and moved out of the house, I was the only child left in the house.

Now matter how hard I tried America never really felt like home. In Japan we would all sit down to eat together at diner. We shared a lot of memories there. Yet in America my dad was always off working, my mom was always taking a bunch of cooking classes or going to the gym, my brother would always hangout with his friends playing basketball and my sister would spend all her time with her boyfriend. I spent most of my time alone in the house. I didn't really make friends cause they would make fun of me and never calling me by my real name. "Hey Asian kid what are the answers to yesterday's homework" or " That Asian kid is such a loner" that's what they'd all say. Since my family wasn't around much I didn't really tell them about that kind of stuff.

I researched Universities in Japan that had any acting departments and thats when I found out about the Japan National University of Arts. Going there had been on my mind since I was a freshman. Once I finally graduated I was so exited to go immediately. But my parents conditions were that I'd stay for like at least the end of summer. Which was a bummer cause I would have liked to start my summer in the place I loved and grew up in. Once summer was over I hopped on a plane to Japan.

~•~•And this is how it all began•~•~

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