Chapter 3: First day of College

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The next day I was woken up by my alarm clock. Today is a very important day. The first day of college. I was so exited this had been my dream since forever. Yet I was also really nervous. I haven't had a very good social life after all. I'm seriously hoping that changes from know on.

I have everything I need. So I left the hotel and I hopped on a bus. I sat down at one of the middle seats. I was looking through the window at the place I had left behind. It felt so refreshing to know that I had finally started to build my life back in Japan again. It was almost a 20 minute bus ride. I was so anxious to get there. But finally the bus dropped me off at the university.

So this university was beyond everything I had hoped for. Its so huge that I wouldn't be surprised if I got lost on the first day. I started walking to my first class and thats when I realized I wasn't wrong, I was gonna get lost on the first day.

Oh no this is bad, I'm gonna be late on the first day! This is just my luck!!- I thought to myself.

Wait I think I found the classroom- I keep thinking to myself.

I walked up to the classroom opened the door and said:
- I'm sorry I'm late!!

I look around and I realize...

- Hehe this isn't room 264- I said nervously.

- No this is room 204 - said the sensei.

Sakaguchi-san do you mind pointing out were this girl's class is?- he asked this guy at the back of the classroom. He looked tall, pale skin, and had brown.

He actually looks kinda cute- I think to myself.

- Oh well of course sensei I shall do it with great pleasure!!- he said marvelously.

Is he wearing skinny jeans?.....And galogne?- I think to myself.

- Come on dearie you don't want to be late on your first day!!- he says to me.

Ok nevermind I take back what I said- I think to myself again.

Just take two rights then go straight to the end of the hallway then make a left and there you shall find your class- he told me.

- Oh thank you- I told him.

He walks back to his classroom. Then, I start sprinting over to my classroom. Once I finally got there I opened the door to my class and walked in. I felt like I was out of air.

- Young lady you're late- Sensei said.

- I'm sorry I got lost

- Excuses excuses, now what is your name?

- Its Kaneko Kira, I'm happy to be here sensei- I replied.

- Take a seat Kaneko-san- she told me.

I look around and I only see one empty chair. Then I see this guy waving at me and saying:

- Kaneko-chan!!! Over here!!!- He yelled from across the room.

- Sit next to me Kaneko-chan!!!- he keeps yelling.

I nervously walk towards him as I feel everyone looking at me like I murdered someone. I sit in the empty chair next to him.

- Hiiiiiiii my name is Hamisaki Kei!!! But everyone calls me Brownie-chan!!!- he says excitedly.

- Oh uh...hi I guess you already know what my name is

- Yesss yesss ofcourse Kaneko-chan!!!- he says even more excitedly.

- You two stop talking and pay attention- sensei says while pointing at us.

- I think were gonna be great friends- Hamasaki-kun whispers to me.

Class ends and everyone heads out to there next class. I get up from my chair and leave the classroom.

- Hey hey Kaneko-chan!!! Wait up!!!- Hamisaki-kun screams at me.

- Can I walk with you?!!- he asks me.

- Umm wait whats your next class?- I ask.

- Art theory!! Just like yours!!

- Hey wait a minute how did you know that?!!

- It says so in your schedule silly!!- he points out my schedule in my hand.

- Oh... uh...right

- Isn't it great!!! We take almost all our classes together!!!- he says getting even more excited every time.

- Yeah it's great!!- I say a bit uncomfortably.

- So can I walk with you!!? Please!!!?

- Uh sure why not

- Yeyyyy!!! Then come on Kaneko-chan we better get going!!!- He says as he grabs me by the arm and drags me to our next class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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