Chapter 13

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Kill em' with kindness. That's what JYPnim always said to me.

"Fei darling, it's time." Mum said as I stood up. As we exited the styling room, everyone was running here and there.

"Why are they so busy? It's just a marriage." I mumbled and Mum gasp dramatically.

"Just a marriage?! Wang Eunhei Jasmine Fei!" Mum puts her hands on her hips while frowning at me. I know I am dead when she literally called my full name.

"This is not just a marriage! All of your fathers business friends are here and they are big authorities. Even Chanyeol's side!" Mum shakes her head as she grabbed my hand while we walk. I didn't know that their business are REALLY big.

"Sorry then.." I mumbled as we rush to the main door where I was suppose to stand with my Dad.


As we walk past EXO's styling room, I saw a glimpse of the members crowding each other. I only saw Sehun and I wave at him for a few seconds.

"That kid is funny." Mum commented and I chuckle.

Soon, I saw Dad as he was fixing his suit.

"Omo!" He finally turns towards us as Mum passed me to him.

"I will see you in there." Mum pointed towards the door as she smiles at me.

"She must really be proud of you. Actually, we are proud of you." Dad said and I wave my hand at him.

"Oh, staph it!" I said jokingly and both of us laugh. I glance at the door and it was slightly open. I took a peek and I instantly regret it.

There is alot of people. I can see that the other side is Chanyeol's guest and the opposite is mine.

Just then, a sound crew came running to us.

"Mr Wang, Fei-shi, please standby. As soon as this door opens widely, and the guests stood up, you may start to walk down the aisle. I will give the cue for the door to open."

I gulped down as the crew was standing by the door.

"I just hope that I won't trip." I said outloud and Dad laughs.

"And I just hope I won't fall because my legs are like jelly." Dad commented and I look at him, and I started laughing.

"You know, after everything is settle. Everything will get back to normal." Dad said as I place my arms one his. I look away for awhile. I wonder how will it feels like.

"Yeah.." I said while smiling alittle.

The crew's microphone made a sound and he instantly looks at me and Dad. He then gave the signal of countdown from 3.

3.. 2.. 1..

Instantly, the door opens and my eyes widen in surprise. I can only describe the ballroom in 1 word. Sparkly.

Everything was shiny and flashes of camera were being released. A bridesmaid gave me a flower when I look up, I widen my eyes.

"Suzy! Jia!" I smiled widely as I walk pass them as they nodded. I look on Dad's side and it was D.O. and Chen. They bowed to us and I blink in awe. They really give their all with planning this.

I literally forget that I am nervous since the ballroom was really beautiful. We suddenly stop as I look down to see a pair of legs infront of me. That's fast.

I look towards Dad and he was looking down. When he looks up, I gasp silently. He is shedding tears. I shake my eyes while wiping his tears with my own thumbs. He then grab my arm as hands it to Chanyeol. Damn, he looks really handsome.

I glance towards Chanyeol as he took my hand as he pull me towards him, making me to stand infront of him. Wait, hold on, hold up. All of this is too fast!

I must be daydreaming really well because I can't even hear what the priest is talking and my eyes are on Chanyeol as he looks at the priest.

I glance towards the priest as he looks at Chanyeol. I can see that Chanyeol's mouth was moving, but why can't I hear anything?

He then put the ring onto my fingers and Chanyeol gave me a ring. The priest looks at me as in the cue to say what I was suppose to say. Omg Fei wakeup!

"I, Wang Eunhui Fei, take you, Park Chanyeol, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish all the days of my life." I smile awkwardly towards Chanyeol then towards the priest, then putting the ring onto Chanyeol's finger. Thanks to google!

"You may kiss the bride."


I can tell my face is frozen as Chanyeol approach me. He then leans forward and I instantly close my eyes as I feel something soft on my lips and I took a peek to see myself kissing Chanyeol.

He then pull himself back as he smiles at me. But his smile looks sad though.

"You are now husband and wife!" The priest said happily and literally, everyone cheered. But it seems that the atmosphere between Chanyeol and I aren't lively.

arranged marriage // EXO chanyeol [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now