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Good morning beautiful!




It's 6am in the morning on a Saturday. What do you want?

Just to say "Good morning beautiful"

Are you kidding me?

Pretty sure I'm not.

How do you know I'm beautiful? For all you know I might look like a witch with ten warts and green skin.

Mhmmm, tempting but I'm sticking with beautiful.

Are you always this condescending?

Not the preferable word, but sometimes. I try to be subtle.


So what are you going to do today?

Isn't that a little creepy considering I don't even know your name.

Fair point. My name is Daniel


Yep that's me.


Normally at this moment you would introduce yourself

Right, my name is Emma.

Emma, that suits you

Right. So why did you call me?

I thought we covered this already. I just wanted to say "Good morning beautiful"

And you did. So now what?

Good question. What's your favourite colour?


I'm guessing its difficult for you to choose your favourite colour?


Do you always take a long time answering people? Or is it just me?

Honestly, "Daniel" if this is one of your stupid tricks to make fun of me, then you can fuck off. You've already embarrassed me enough in front of the entire school. Just leave me alone Jake. I already have a handful to deal with because of you for the past 2 years already. Leave. me. the. fuck. alone.

I believe you have made a blunder mistake. I am not-

*Hangs up*


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