You're my Bae-con

6 0 0


What do you want??

Some one is not in a good mood.

Daniel. Dude, it's 7am in the morning on a SATURDAY.

I know my days of the week.



What do you want?

Well, actually I was going to ask you if you wanted to have breakfast with me

... Daniel


You do realize, I barely even know you.

Well. I would think that after all our calls we could meet up

Sorry but I'd rather not Daniel

Oh. It's okay then.


Ill leave you to snooze then. Talk to you soon Emma!




(If it is still unclear, Bold Text is Daniel and Italic Font is Emma)

The following part is Daniel's point of view

I put down the phone and look over at the clock;it read 7:12am.

I get out of the warm welcoming comfort of bed and throw on a casual outfit, but the thought of Emma still lingers in the back of my mind. Why didn't she like talking about this so called "Jake", I couldn't leave my curiosity. After brushing my teeth and putting on fresh clothes, I grab my keys and drive to a nearby pancake diner. Whilst driving, I turn on the radio to hear my favourite song play; "Starboy" by the Weeknd. I arrive at the diner and the moment I opened the door, I could smell the old cedar floor and the beautiful sight of people sitting in their booths chewing down on some pancakes. I get a seat by the window and order my regular meal when all of a sudden my phone vibrates;


Hi, is this Daniel by any chance? It's me Emma.

No you've got the wrong number, sorry.
You couldn't help but smirk at your response.


Oh I'm sorry, I must have gotten the wrong number.

Thats alright. It happens all the time.
By the way, do you happen to know if chemistry 12 is hard?

Actually, it's quite
Read at 8:31am


I snicker at my little joke and decide not to reply right away.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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