Let's just get Oolong

9 0 0

October 11th



No one picks up

October 12th



No one picks up

October 17th



Oh thank the lords you picked up, I was starting to think you were dead.

Uh- Who is this?

Me, Daniel.

Oh, you must be looking for my sister. She's currently not home, she left her phone today.

Oh, my apologies.

No it's fine. Do you want me to leave a message for her or something?

No its okay.


Thank you, bye


October 27th



Who are you?


Why do you keep calling me?

Oh Emma! Hi, how are you doing?

Just answer my questions.

I'm glad you called back because this is honestly some kind of big mistake.


You see, I just dialed a random number hoping I can talk to someone.


I just needed someone to talk to and I thought this was a good idea. Which clearly, doesn't seem like it was a good decision.


I apologize if I caused any chaos, I promise I won't bother you again.





Lilac, that's my favourite colour.


That certainly is a twist. You're not mad at me?

Well, Daniel, I don't know if I just fall for things easily, but you seemed genuine enough while you were explaining everything.

You're not stupid and you have made an excellent choice.

I hope you're right...

So Emma, what school do you attend?

... Ok Daniel, I think we need to work on your "not so creepy" questions. I said I wouldn't hate you, but that doesn't mean I'm not skeptic of you still, you could be a huge pedo for all I know.

Hah, okay then you ask the questions.

Fine, I will. What is your favourite colour?

Easy, Crimson.

Well, do you have a pet?

One corgi named Trip


Yep, Trip.


What's so funny?

No offense but why Trip?

As much as I like to share the story with you Emma, I have to get to bed.

Okay, okay. Promise me you'll tell me the story another time?

So you're insisting that I call you?

Wha- what, that's not what I meant...

Haha just joking. Goodnight Emma.


*Call ends*

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