Salami get this straight...

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Hey Daniel.

How did you know it was me?

Because I recognize your phone number?

Oh wow, I'm stuck in your mind, I see.


Can't speak because of how amazing I am?


Ok, I'll stop.

Good, I was starting to erase every single time you called me.


So how was your day?

It was meh, nothing really happened. How about you?

Well, aside from acing my chemistry, physics, and biology test. Nothing much


Are you some type of genius AP ivy league student?

Actually, I'm a pizza addict who spends most of his time on buzzfeed learning unnecessary things.

Hahahaha! Really?

Of course

Please explain how a potato can be that smart to ace three science tests.

How flattering, If I'm a potato, you must be a sweet potato.

Omg stop. Don't.

Can't stand a little pun? Why don't you sit down?

No. Omg I don't know you.

You meant to say "I donut know you"

I'm ending the call.

Okay, we can ketchup next time!



You're not ending the call?


Ok- ok -ok I got to admit your puns are really bad but they're funny.

See, I have a talent.

A very interesting one.

By the way there is something I've been meaning to ask you.


Who is Jake? You seemed to really hate him the last time we spoke...

I'm sorry but I don't really want to talk about...

Right, I'm sorry. You barely know me and I shouldn't be intruding into your personal stuff.

No its fine...


Well I have to go now, so bye

Good bye Emma

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