Chapter Four - Judy

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A/N: Sorry for the week's delay. Here's my excuse:

Procrastinating writing fanfic by learning some principles of quantum physics - decently good idea.

Procrastinating writing an overdue oral presentation by writing fanfic instead - bad idea.

Telling my parents I'm writing fanfic - TERRIBLE IDEA GOSH DAMMIT WHY DID I DO THIS

Nick's eyes were wide. He looked as shocked as if I'd punched him on the muzzle, and was totally silent. Lost in thought. I just felt so stupid, like some kid who'd done something just because they'd been told not to and been caught. Likewise, I had an almost insurmountable urge to complain, to say it's not fair! or any one of a number of petty insults aimed at the council, at Bogo, at myself...

Nick slowly and deliberately looked me in the eye. 'Judy, I'm really sorry that I got you into this mess. I didn't think that I'd put a black mark on your career, or anything. Actually, I didn't think, so...' I put a paw on his muzzle to stop him.

Nick, apologising? But...

'It wasn't your fault, Nick. You don't have to say sorry for something you didn't do.'

He looked at me with a pained expression. 'But Carrots, I came up with the idea in the first place!'

I sighed in frustration. 'Your idea was the best way. I agreed to it too.'

'I thought of it first. This is on me.'

'Nick! You didn't know things would turn out like this, and neither did I for that matter. You might as well blame me for getting you into the force, or... I dunno, your mother for giving birth to you. It doesn't add up!' He looked like he wanted to argue. 'I'll cut you a deal,' I said, shushing him again. 'You can take...' I pretended to think for a moment, 'sixty percent of the blame. Does that sound fair?'

He gave me a long look, and I started to think he might not lighten up.

Finally, he groaned, 'Ninety.'

I allowed myself a small smile. 'Seventy.'

'Deal. Not that it changes the mess we're in.'

'That's true enough,' I conceded. This time we really had stuffed up. Chief Bogo had been equal parts annoyed and nonplussed as he'd told me the council almost never intervened, especially without rock solid evidence.

Nick seemed to be thinking along the same lines as me. 'Did Bogo say how they knew?' he asked, sounding as though he only vaguely cared.

I thought back over my conversation with Bogo. 'Nope,' I sighed.

That, I decided, was the most confusing part. Bogo had explained he'd received a phone call from a representative, who had insisted we be suspended and investigated for misconduct. But where was the evidence? How could they have known, sans being informed by Mr. Big? Our phones were encrypted, we didn't take anything else electronic, and no-one could have known who we visited outside the Bigs. Weaselton had been sworn to silence, so it wasn't him... was it?

'Nick, you don't think anyone else could have known where we went, could they? I mean, you didn't tell anyone, right?' My voice came out almost sounding like I was asking a question rather than making a statement, and I felt a little guilty for not fully trusting him.

He gave me a sideways look. 'No, Officer Fluff. Big's big on big security,' he muttered gloomily. I scolded myself. It was obvious Nick still blamed himself, and making him feel suspect wasn't going to help that.

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