Chapter Six - Judy

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A/N: Well that took a while. I kind of got caught up in other stuff (in real life, would you believe), such as exams and First Robotics Competition pre-season training. Oh, well. Here's the chapter. I really appreciate any feedback you give me, so keep leaving those reviews! Thanks.

Panic filled the air, wiping any last vestiges of rational thought from my brain.

Bellwether, her face twisted in an aggressive snarl, pointed the gun at Nick.

I watched with horror as she tightened her grip, time seeming to slow down, become fluid...

We hadn't prepared for this.

She smiled as she pulled the trigger.

The gun recoiled as it ejected the serum-filled ball. The air rippled as it passed, tearing toward its target...

A ripple of dark blue splattered the fur around Nick's neck, and glass crystals sprinkled the rocks. He whimpered in pain, and I was suddenly beside him.

'No. Nick, please! NO!' I stared in shock as he trembled beside me, whimpering in pain as the drug took hold.

'But Judy, ALL predators are savages. He was always going to kill you.' She bared her teeth in glee, enjoying her moment of victory.

'Bye bye, bunny.'


Nick moved faster than I thought possible, flicking around as he crouched on all four paws. He tensed, ready for the kill—


He sprang forward, his teeth flashing like white knives toward my neck...


I sat bolt upright, feeling an instant slap of pain as my ear caught under my elbow. I dropped back to the ground, still feeling my heart racing in fear at the image of the savage fox, angry and uncontrolled...

I shook myself, untangling my ears, and tried to stand up.

Ouch. A dull, aching pain in my left temple briefly dazed me, leaving me floundering on the floor. Where did that come from? I massaged the sore spot, feeling a tender raised lump. My paw brushed against something else, and I slightly panicked when I realised what it was. It was impossible, but... there was no mistaking the thick band I could feel around my neck.

'What the...?' I tugged at it, finding it was locked. The shock collar's electrodes were digging into the skin on the left side of my neck.

I slowly got to my feet, this time able to do so without being blinded by pain, and looked for a reflective surface, something I could use as a mirror. Scanning the room, I noticed an oddly familiar pattern of furniture. The curved desk, the drawers, the potted plant... It looked like my ZPD office.

I shivered, wondering how I'd got here, and put my paw into my pocket for my phone. Instead, I felt a small, rugged object. My taser. Suddenly, memories came flooding back. The stakeout, the warehouse, not finding Nick...

Nick. Where was he? I looked around again as though I'd see a sign pointing in his direction. I felt in my pocket and, to my surprise, found my taser still there. I crept to the door, listening for sounds from the other side. I pressed my ear against it. Still nothing. I took a deep breath, pushed the door open and stepped out, feeling a tingle of nervousness as I saw where I was. I was standing on a metal-grate catwalk, overlooking a warehouse full of boxes. The full scale of the place now sprawled before me, looking much more grand in person than in the narrow swathe I'd managed to video.

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