Burning Passion - ch10 Finale

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  • Dedicated kay To everyone who supported this story from the get go!

Fortunately, Jen had accepted the new reality in the end. Even after that huge temper tantrum she had thrown, her dignity prevented her from causing any more trouble. Maybe she could find someone else after all. Someone who would understand her and love her the way she is. Someone to give her the happy ending she deserved.

David and Anna decided it was time for them to move in together. He ended up surprising her with a new house. He wanted them to make a new start. To have their own place and create new memories. The past would remain the past and open a new path for their future.

It took them a while to decorate the house the way they liked but they wanted to do it on their own. Give their personal touch and give that homey feeling they both craved for years. A few days after they finished decorating, the divorce was finalized and they celebrated with a party out by the pool.

They had invited all their close friends and family that night. They were both glowing and even with the distance put between them they couldn’t look away from each other. Anna admired her man at the other side of the pool talking to his friends, loving the way his blue jeans clung to his ass and how his white button up shirt had the top buttons open, the same way as the night he told her everything a few months back. The same way as every time after.

He looked at her knowingly and she bit her lip, thinking what happened yesterday morning, till the early hours of this morning. They had decided that since they had waited this long already, they should wait until the papers were in their hands. You can imagine what happened once they had them.

They christened every single room in the house and out – even the pool. And this was a two story house, attic and basement excluded. They went at it like rabbits, only taking breaks for the essentials, constantly starved for each others touch.

David watched her as she sipped her drink and chatted with his sister. His eyes traveled up slowly, taking in every inch of her glorious body. She blushed as she found herself growing hot all over again. He noticed and went to her, all the time enjoying how she squirmed under his intense, predatory gaze. He was exhausted and yet he wanted her again like a starving man. She wreaked havoc to his self-control.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He gave her a dazzling smile and kissed her tenderly. She sighed, feeling like the happiest woman in the entire planet. She wrapped her hands around his neck and smiled against his lips.

“Hey beautiful.” he said and swayed them to the song playing in the background. ‘I’m yours’ by the Script was one of their favorites. Anna got completely lost in the warmth of his arms, his smile, his eyes.

“Hey handsome” she smiled

“Having fun?”

“Mhm. I love this song.” she whispered and leaned her head on his shoulder as she tightened her hold.

“This would be perfect as our wedding song.” he continued and waited for her reaction.

She snapped her eyes up at him “What?!”

He took a step back and got down on one knee as he took a small, black, velvet box out of his pocket. He swallowed hard and opened the little box, revealing a silver ring with a medium sized diamond on. Simple and elegant.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as tears formed in her eyes.

“Anna Meredith Jones, I fell for you the very first moment I laid eyes on you. I once told you I want to do everything with you the right way. Now is our time. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you…Will you marry me?”

His heart was beating so fast he thought he’d have a heart attack soon. He finally took the big step and was completely terrified. Even when he had proposed to Jen he wasn’t nervous at all. It was more of a mutual agreement. Now, he thought he’d pass out in any minute.

She thought they were fine the way they were. She thought a marriage wasn’t what they needed. She thought they would spend their life together but not married.

“Anna?” he whispered and realized that maybe this wasn’t the right time to ask after all. The confusion on her face freaked him out. How the hell do I take it back? How do I fix it? he panicked.

“Yes” she whispered and dove in his arms, causing them to fall back. Snickers and laughter erupted all around but nothing mattered now. “Yes” she said again louder and kissed him. He held her in his arms and kissed her back passionately.

They were still lying on the ground when he pushed her back a little to slip the ring on her finger. “I love you Anna. You just made me the happiest man alive.” he said, looking into her eyes with all the love in the world.

They were both more than happy to be like this. They had finally gotten their happy ending. Together… Surrounded by friends and family… Sharing their happiness with their loved ones.

“I love you too David.” she answered, mirroring his look and bent down to kiss him.


Yay!!! They got their happily ever after! :D

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Love you guys

Souzane :)

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