Chapter One

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ㅡY/N POV ㅡ
Vacation is over. I opened my eyes as I hear the alarm clock. It's 6:30 AM, and I'm still tired. I should've gone earlier to bed since school is starting, but I couldn't sleep since I was so nervous. And I have no idea why. Probably because of Hansol. My best friend. And crush. Yea, I have a crush on him and he is my best friend at the same time.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, after that I made my way downstairs to have breakfast. Dad prepared pancakes for me. I love dad, even though he is hard working and almost never home - he is always caring and does everything for me. Since my mom and my little sister passed away 7 years ago being involved in a car accident, my father never showed the pain which is stucked in his heart in my presence and would always be there for me.

After I finished the pancakes I heared the bell ring, I knew it was Hansol picking me up for school like he did always. I really missed him, because I didn't see him for 2 months, he was in America with Joshua spending his vacation there.

I checked my hair and make up in the mirror next to the door before going out and opened the door. There he was. Standing there with his beautiful honey-brown hair and eyes.
"Did you miss me?", he smirked at me. I went straight up to hug him as he stopped me holding a little box in front of me. "Wait - I have something for you", he handed me the little box. "For me?", I smiled. He nodded with a bright smile. I opened it and there was a silver necklace in it with the word "VERNON" on it.
"Since you gave me a bracelet with your name on it, I decided to give you one too. Hope you like it", he opened his arms for a hug. "Aw thank you thank you thank you Hansol", I quickly went in for warm and big hug. "I missed you, Y/N", he whispered. "I missed you too", I said happy than ever in his arms.

The one I want { Hansol Vernon }Where stories live. Discover now