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Leafy didn't know how to respond to Onision.he kinda liked it when Greg called him cute but he wasn't going to admit that.
Onision:@Leafyishere meet me at (Whatever place)Tomorrow
Leafy responded "ok" and decided To watch YouTube videos He found a video called "Leafy busted" It was a video that pointed out all his flaws like his chin.Calvin did feel insecure about his chin and now everybody knew.His parents had made him feel really terrible abort himself.He got tons of comments about his chin.He slammed his computer shut he wanted to make a good response video but he didn't want to make a facecam about his parents and his past.He'd just be made fun of.Usually Calvin would stay up and all night drinking tons of energy drinks and editing videos but he couldn't do that tonight he was sure keemstar was going to post about the drama and tons of people would attack him.Calvin was just happy keep fans don't exist.Keem had no fans.
Gregs POV
After anxiously waiting I was finally going to meet Calvin.onion boy felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see the reptilian King.Greg smiled and waved but Calvin screamed like a fan girl "Greg!"He yelled and hugged him
"h-hey"I was caught off Guard by the hug."Sorry..I guess we should go inside now"Calvin said awkwardly.
We had a long conversation it was much better than I expected.Calvin told me about the video roasting him.I posted a reaction to the video on uhohbro I defended Calvin but still Made fun of him a little through out the video no one needed to know we were friends or whatever we were.Hopefully Calvin won't get mad I made jokes about him.
Calvins POV
I still haven't posted anything on my channel yet.I saw onisions reaction to the video I'm glad he's taking my side for once.Of course the comments were all talking about leafnision I kinda liked it though.Greg has a wife though and they seem to be really happy I don't want to ruin that for him.

Sorry this chapter is short lol I have so much homework I have to finish.thanks for reading!

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