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Gregs POV
I woke up and Calvin had his head on my chest.He was so cute.I felt like if he woke up he would start freaking out or feel really uncomfortable.Calvin didn't like me as a boyfriend.Im not even sure if Calvin is really my friend I decided to go upstairs and make a new video and edit until Calvin woke up.
Calvins POV
I woke up feeling like shit as always.
I started to remember last night and started crying about twilight again.Bella should've married Jacob!! I felt a tap on my shoulder Greg close and whispered in my ear "Are you crying about Twilight?"
I nodded my head
He held my hands smiled at me and said
"Bella also gets pregnant with Edwards baby"
"Shutup"I said and hit him lightly we both started laughing.
We kept laughing until Lainey ran into the house she looked furious.
"Billie told me you were dating Calvin!"Lainey screams and points her finger at me.
"We're not dating"I said in a whisper and hid behind Greg
"You have Billie anyways"Greg stated calmly
"I hate you"Lainey hissed
"We're over"Greg said and smiled
"I only dated you because Billie is poor"
Lainey screamed
"Bye bitch"I said
She ran away.Greg stared at me in Shock
"Sorry.."I said
"it's fine.i just need to be alone right now"
I collected my things and left as fast as I could and ran as fast as I could.
Sorry the chapters short again.Ill try to make the next one longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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