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When onision got home
"Where have you been!?"Lainey screams angrily
"I was just out with a friend"Greg said and Rolled his eyes
"whatever I have billie"Lainey replied
Gregs POV
I had been having a lot of problems with my wife lately we used to be so in love.shes changed I really didn't want her seeing Billie anymore but I knew she'd hate me if I told her that.
because me and Lainey were fighting I decided to invite Calvin over.I knew she'd be mad but she has Billie anyways she obviously didn't love me anymore.I called Calvin and asked him to come over I told him about the fight with Lainey.
Greg told me him and Lainey were fighting.Im glad their fighting to be honest.I think I like Greg more than a friend.Hopefully he'll divorce her or something will happen.Lainey doesn't deserve Greg she's a bitch anyways.I got to Gregs house.As I walked in
Lainey smiled at me and waved at me.I wonder why she was happy to see me.
"Hi Calvin"Lainey said
"Oh you know me?im guessing onision talked about me."I replied
"Aww your so cute."Lainey giggled
I wasn't sure if she was flirting.i felt really uncomfortable. Greg entered the room and waved to me I sighed with relief.
"Hey Calvin"Greg said
"While you two make out me and Billie are going to dinner"Lainey said without saying anything else she dragged Billie outside and slammed the door shut
"She's pissed"Onion boy whispered
"What did you argue about??"I asked
"She just doesn't love me anymor-"Greg started tearing up
I hugged him.
"It's ok"I said reassuring him
Greg broke free from the hug.
"Sorry.. Do you want to watch a movie or something."Greg asked
I nodded my head we both sat on the couch
"What do you wanna watch"I asked
"saw unless you don't like scary movies"Greg answered
"No way let's watch twilight!"Leafy exclaimed
"How gay are you?"Greg asked
"I'm kidding"Calvin laughed
"Too bad now we're going to watch twilight"Greg said and turned on twilight
While watching twilight Calvin started crying.
"What happened"Greg asked concerned
"Bella and Edward are getting married!I'm team Jacob!"Calvin said in between cries
Greg laughed and pulled leafy into a hug

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