The Storm

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Your life was a kaleidoscope of happiness. Joy was abundant and fulfilling your every wish. You had never believed that love could bring people happiness; you had always thought it was a dream people played with. But your love with Tooru showed you things that you had never thought of.

And today marked the one year anniversary of your relationship. A year ago he asked a question that possibly saved your life. The question that brought a rainbow to your monotone world. The day you answered 'yes' to Tooru's request of a relationship.

Currently Tooru was at his nephew's volleyball practise. You were a little disappointed that he couldn't skip it just for today, but it also showed the love he has for his family. So instead of being miserable and useless, you decided to make milk bread. Tooru's favourite! You were also going to attempt to cut it into alien shaped pieces, since it was a special day.


It was evening, and purple light painted the sky. Clouds lazily float across the sky while the crows dart around, the fading light playing of their wings. A light wind disturbed the  stillness, but cooled the warmth left over from the day.

You sigh in delight. A gorgeous evening to begin a sure-to-be perfect night. The milk bread was perfectly shaped—cute little alien heads. You held the gift in a small paper bag with a heart-felt note written inside too. He was sure to love it.

Knock, Knock.

You waited patiently at the door for a short while with no answer, before knocking again, a little harder. The door pushed open slightly when you'd knocked. You stood in bewilderment unmoving at the doorstep—Tooru never left the door unlocked. Perhaps he expected you to come, and left it open? Shrugging your shoulders, albeit still confused, and took a step into the warm house.

'Tooru? Are you home?' You call out uncertainly. You take your shoes of at the door, leaving the paper bag next to them. After yielding no answer, you decide to look for him in his room.

As you make your cautious way to the stairs leading up to Tooru's room, you begin to hear muffled noises coming from above. With anxiety swelling at the pit of your stomach, you rush up the stairs. The muffled noises become clearer; they sound like moans and grunts.

You silently creep over to Tooru's door, which was slightly ajar. It was definitely moans. Not just any moans though—they were feminine. Occasional gasps of 'Tooru' and 'faster' could be heard.

He wasn't.

He couldn't.

He wouldn't.

Swallowing your nerves, you push the door open.

You eyes widen and your mouth hangs open.

He was.

He could.

He is.

In front of you is your worst nightmare.

A naked girl (with a picturesque body) was a lustful, moaning mess under Tooru. He was naked, scratches marked his back, and his eyes shone with lustful desires. Directed towards her.

You were his.

You were Tooru's

Tooru was yours.

'Happy Anniversary, [F/N],' Tooru's rough voice met you ears. He turned to face you, his bright brown eyes showing no love for you. A sinister smile etches his features that shine with sweat.

You broke. Tears swell at the base of your eyes, and you try your hardest to hold them back. Your throat begins to dry up, and you try not to sob, not to hiccup. Your pupils shrink in fear and agony, the happiness long gone.

'T-Tooru... W-what is this? I thou-ght you l-loved me,' you manage to croak out, your throat trapping your voice.

'I did say that, didn't I? You know what, [F/N]? Actions speak louder than words,' Tooru's smile turns to a gleeful one, like he hasn't just fucked a girl on his girlfriends anniversary.

'Do you want to know the truth, [F/N]? I never loved you. You were just a game. Everyone hated you for no reason. I don't hate you. But sometimes I need some fun, you know? And you were the perfect one. So, so ignorant... You actually thought that was love! You believed I loved you! Ha!'

You took a step back. Your life was caving in around you. Tears overflow and stream down your cheeks, blurring your vision. Your throat hurts from choking on nothing. Sobs and hiccups quake your body, faltering your steps and sending spasms through your limbs.

Everything hurts.

But you can't feel anything.

You can't feel the pain of a heart breaking, being broken by the very person who took it.

Before you turn to run away from him, you hear him laugh out the last words you hear from him.

From anyone...

'I fooled you, [F/N],'

I Fooled You 「T. Oikawa x Reader x H. Iwaizumi」Where stories live. Discover now