July 8

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I had a very eventful day. Tanner approached me today at the cafe. I think I've spent way too much money there. I was sitting in my usual seat with my iced tea, attempting to read Brave New World and right after he finished ordering he came over and asked if he could sit at my table.

Our encounter was a bit awkward but I can't really believe he did that.

We exchanged names and he noticed the book in my hand and we began discussing the book although I didn't have much to say about it besides that I didn't like the book. He told me some themes that he caught on when he read it last year, like loneliness and society or class norms. I was still confused but at least I know that now for a future reference. He's going to be taking a gap year and had just graduated from a private high school nearby--I forgot already. But that means he's only a year older than me.

I asked why he decided to take a gap year rather than just go straight to college, but he simply responded with wanting to find himself or figuring out what he wanted to do.

Our conversation wasn't that long. I don't remember much about it, honestly. He had very dark green eyes, and I guess that it would be more accurate if I said they were hazel. I really hope I see or run into him again. He was very easy to talk to.

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