July 24

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I haven't written in this in a while. I think it's because I've been so busy. But I have been meeting up with Tanner way more. I remember seeing him at the cafe at my table soon became an everyday occurrence. I finally finished Brave New World. He helped me somewhat understand it. He's quite smart. He knows a lot of the works I'm reading. I was telling him about some of mom's books that I'm reading. He said he could chat with me about the books if I wanted that. I did.

Tanner draws a lot. He took a lot of art classes, from pencil drawing to watercolor to acrylic to oil painting. He's currently sketching. He said he'd sketch me one day. I'm glad I met him, it feels good to be doing more than just silently reading all day. I still visit mom a lot. I still bring her daffodils with roses and lavender. I still miss her a lot.

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