When It All Came Tumbling Down

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Chapter 4
(5 years ago)
Rachels pov:
"Goodmorning." I said smiling at my handsome fiancé.

"Goodmorning beautiful ." Finn said to me. "And goodmorning to you baby." He said and kissed my 3 month belly.

"So whats the plan today?" I asked him .

"Well I was thinking we could stay in bed and do this," he kissed me "this" he kissed me again but on my neck, "and this." He said kissing my shoulder. 

"Sounds like a good plan to me." I said smirking.

We were about to make out when suddenly the baby kicked.

"But I think the baby may want some food." I said laughing and got up.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" He asked me.

"Hmmm.... can you make me some pancakes, and sausage, and egg, oh and french toast and toast and butter,  oh and a poptart would be amazing too!" I exclaimed.

"Wow can you eat that much you're really little." He said laughing.

"Hey I'm eating for two. " I said smiling .

"Yes you are." He said and kissed my forehead.

After breakfast I got dress and said,

"Hey I'm leaving for school now." I told him.

"Okay babe, I'll see ya tonight." He told me.

"Okay." I said.

"Wait say kiss!" He said stopping me.

"Kiss!" I said and he kissed me passionately. 

(Later that night)
I came home that night and sat on the couch. Finn wasn't home yet and he wouldn't be for awhile which meant I had time to watch a movie and eat some chocolate.  Everything is so perfectly,  I feel like I'm a queen when I'm with Finn. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be the father of my child. I got up and bent down to look cor Funny Girl. Suddenly I had this huge pain in my stomach.

"Ahhh!" I yelled in pain.

I had no idea whar was going on and I quickly  became worried .
I fell to the floor in pain but crawled over to call 911 .

"911 whats your emergency?" She asked me.

"Hi I'm pregnant and I have this huge pain in my stomach ." I said.

"Okay how far along are you ma'am? " She asked me.

"3 months." I said.

"Okay ma'am we're sending help whats your name?" She asked me.

"Rachel." I said in pain.

"Okay we're on the way." She said and  hung up.

I cried in pain praying this would be over soon.

Finns pov:
I was at work when suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Finn, its Kurt! " He said panicked.

"Kurt whats wrong?" I asked him .

"Its Rachel, she's on her way to the hospital." He told me.

"I'm on my way!" I said and ran out and drove to the hospital.

(6 months later)
Its been 6 months since the worst day of my life happened. Rachel and I haven't even talk to each other and I don't know what to do anymore. I don't wanna give up but at the same time I think it would be best for us. Rachel won't even look at me , I can't do this anymore which is why I'm going into the Army.  I walked into Rachels room and said,

"Rachel, we need to talk." I said.

She looked at me and her eyes were empty as if she had no soul at all. I sat down and said,

"Rachel , I know this is hard , I know its not easy but lets be real , this isn't working. We're both miserable and as much as I love you  I think maybe you and I should break up." I said.

She looked at me shocked and then said ,

"Now you're leaving me too?" She asked me.

"Rachel , you and I both know this isn't working. " I said.

"Finn I lost the baby and now I'm losing you ! How could you?" She asked me.

"Rachel, this relationship isn't a working! This is the first time in months we have talked ! You haven't even looked at me!" I yelled.

"Because everytime I look at you I feel awful! My one job was to carry our child and I couldn't even do it!" She yelled.

"Rachel I lost the baby too! You're not the only one who lost it!" I yelled.

"Then why haven't we talked about it Finn! You have been avoiding it ever since it happened! And now your leaving to do what?"  She asked me.

"I joined the Army." I blurted out.

She looked at me hurt,

"Are you crazy! You're going to get killed out there!" She yelled.

"I had to do something Rachel , we can't live like this anymore." I said.

"Fine. Go, see if I care. " She said hurt.

"Rachel." I said.

"No Finn! You wanna leave, leave! Go get the fuck out because I'm done! I can't do this anymore." She yelled crying.

"Don't do this Rachel, don't let this end like this!" I yelled.

"Goodbye Finn." She said opening the door.

I grabbed my bag and looked at her.

"I will always love you." I said and kissed her.

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